(b)Lines Information and Insights for the 403(b) community / brought to you by PLANSPONSOR.
December 6th, 2016

Supreme Court to Hear Health Care Entities’ ‘Church Plan’ Suits

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review three cases in which federal appellate courts found health care institutions’ pension plans were not ‘church plans’ under the definition in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.Read more >

Plan Sponsors Would Benefit From Better Rollover Practices

While few could argue the retirement planning industry has not made tremendous strides in getting people involved in regular savings, fewer advances have been made in helping individuals transition between jobs or into retirement, according to a white paper from DST Systems.Read more >

Barry’s Pickings Online: Auto IRA – Not Dead Yet

Michael Barry discusses why he thinks automatic IRA legislation still has a chance to be passed.Read more >
Can Unused Vacation/Sick Time Be Deferred to 457 Plans?
“I have a retiring employee who is eligible to receive a significant cash payout of unused sick/vacation time shortly after she retires. She will not be able to defer the full amount of sick/vacation pay into the 403(b) plan without exceeding the 402(g) limit. Could she defer the remainder into the 457(b) plan for which she is eligible?”Read more >

Most Young Workers Predict Longer Careers

According to Merrill researchers, the vast majority (83%) of Millennials plan to work in retirement, whether for income, to keep busy or to pursue a passion. The analysis shows half of younger Millennials, ages 18 to 24, believe they need to take on a side job to reach their retirement goals, compared to only 25% of all respondents.Read more >

U.S. Retirement Policymakers Can Learn from UK Reforms

Faced with a daunting retirement savings shortfall, U.K. policymakers instituted a series of reforms that has expanded retirement plan coverage for workers, and a new issue brief offers a detailed analysis for U.S. policymakers about the initiatives.Read more >

Editorial: Alison Cooke Mintzer alison.mintzer@strategic-i.com

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