(b)Lines Information and Insights for the 403(b) community / brought to you by PLANSPONSOR.
February 26th, 2016

A Disconnect on Retirement Readiness

Companies underestimate how much help their employees want or need with retirement planning, according to a survey released by BlackRock.Read more >

Most Participants Do Not Read Benefits Communications

A survey from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans shows that nearly half of plan participants do not understand benefits materials, and most do not even open or read the information.Read more >
Only about half of non-retired persons say they are saving enough for a suitable standard of living in retirement.Read more >

Retirement Planning Tools May Not Be Dependable

According to academic researchers in personal financial planning, retirement planning tools may lack crucial inputs or subtly push individuals to buy investment products.Read more >

Stretching the Match a Motivation to Save More

Research finds many retirement plan participants use the match as a guide for how much to save in their plans.Read more >

Plan Sponsor of the Year Standouts

This year, we introduced a new recognition, the PLANSPONSOR Plan Sponsor of the Year Standout. This recognition is for categories that did not receive enough entries to allow for multiple finalists but included strong plans. In the Public DB and Corporate DB categories, judges selected one plan sponsor that rose above the rest.Read more >

Most Who Get Tax Refunds Spend Them

An analysis from Morningstar’s HelloWallet found that most workers spend their tax refunds; only 37% saved their tax refunds in 2014. What do they spend them on?Read more >

David Levine and David Powell, with Groom Law Group, and Michael A. Webb, vice president, Retirement Plan Services, Cammack Retirement Group, will field your questions concerning 403(b) plans and regulations. Send them to rmoore@assetinternational.com with Subject: Ask the Experts. Answers may be printed in future (b)lines. This feature is to provide general information only, does not constitute legal advice, and cannot be used or substituted for legal or tax advice.

Editorial: Alison Cooke Mintzer alison.mintzer@strategic-i.com

Advertising: advertise@strategic-i.com

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