(b)Lines Information and Insights for the 403(b) community / brought to you by PLANSPONSOR.
February 27th, 2015

Participants Overlooking Appropriate Investment Options

Nearly four out of 10 retirement plan participants polled are not familiar with all the investment options in their plan.Read more >

Five Behaviors That Sabotage Retirement Savings

For America Saves Week, Prudential wanted to answer a simple question: Why is long-term savings so hard for participants?Read more >

What Providers Should Bring to Communications

Retirement plan sponsors wanting to step up participant communications should make sure their providers are in tune with the latest trends.Read more >

Some DC Plans Not Taking Advantage of QDIAs

Half of plan sponsors do not take advantage of qualified default investment alternative safe harbor protections, a survey finds.Read more >

Majority of Dioceses Plan to Freeze Pensions

More than 57% of Catholic dioceses are planning to freeze or terminate their pension plans, according to a survey from USI Consulting Group.Read more >

Hospital Employees Sue Colorado Springs for Pension

Employees of Memorial Health System, owned by the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, have sued the city, claiming they were unlawfully removed from the state’s Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) and subsequently not given promised benefits.Read more >

DOL Offers Fiduciary Responsibilities Training

The Department of Labor will offer its “Getting It Right – Know Your Fiduciary Responsibilities” training series in March.Read more >

Implications of Fiduciary Proposal Remain Opaque

Many fear the new definition of fiduciary will make it harder for retirement plan participants to gain access to advice.Read more >

Vanguard Adds to Low-Fee TDF Offering

A new fund series from Vanguard features an estimated expense ratio of 10 basis points and will be offered to institutional investors meeting a $100 million initial investment requirement.Read more >
Groom Law Group and Cammack Retirement Group will field your questions concerning 403(b) plans and regulations. Email rebecca.moore@strategic-i.com with Subject Ask the Experts

Editorial: Alison Cooke Mintzer alison.mintzer@strategic-i.com

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