(b)Lines Information and Insights for the 403(b) community / brought to you by PLANSPONSOR.
June 3rd, 2016

Employees Willing to Pay More for Retirement Benefits

Nearly one-quarter of employees say they will have to work past age 70, but many of them may not be able to due to stress and health issues.Read more >

First State-Run Plan for Private-Sector Set to Launch

Starting January 1, 2017, Washington will be the first state to offer a state-run retirement plan for private-sector workers.Read more >

DC Plans Add Value for Employees

Greater awareness of retirement and financial concepts and a better perception of employer generosity are some of the value employees get from defined contribution (DC) plans, according to PLANSPONSOR’s 2016 Participant Survey.Read more >
A survey found not being able to afford to contribute is the top reason employees say they do not participate in their employer-sponsored plans, and many are not confident about managing investments.Read more >

Plan Corrections: Missed RMDs

Plan sponsors often discover that required minimum payments have either not been paid on time or at all. This is especially true when a non-5% owner continues working after reaching age 70½.Read more >

Morningstar ‘Framework’ Helps Glide Path Decisions

Morningstar has introduced a new glidepath selection tool for plan advisers and sponsors, based on the findings of the firm’s latest research into target-date funds.Read more >

What Salaries Can the Class of 2016 Expect?

In a Hay Group study, researchers analyzed salaries of 145,000 entry-level positions from more than 700 organizations across the United States. Based on this data, the firm issued a sampling of 25 jobs, spanning multiple industries—providing a snapshot of what new college grads can expect as they enter the workforce full time for the first time.Read more >

David Levine and David Powell, with Groom Law Group, and Michael A. Webb, vice president, Retirement Plan Services, Cammack Retirement Group, will field your questions concerning 403(b) plans and regulations. Send them to rmoore@assetinternational.com with Subject: Ask the Experts. Answers may be printed in future (b)lines. This feature is to provide general information only, does not constitute legal advice, and cannot be used or substituted for legal or tax advice.

Editorial: Alison Cooke Mintzer alison.mintzer@strategic-i.com

Advertising: advertise@strategic-i.com

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