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Information & Insights for the 403(b) Community
Industry Groups Recommend Fewer and Staggered Retirement Plan Disclosures
Industry Groups Recommend Fewer and Staggered Retirement Plan Disclosures
Retirement plan and benefit disclosures should only be given to participants if they contain actionable information, industry groups say.
Social Security’s Funding Issues are not Common Knowledge
The majority of savers don’t know about Social Security’s solvency issues; though once aware, the vast majority want the government to act, according to a new Peterson Foundation survey.
Ask the Experts
How Do Statutory Limits Work for Non-Calendar Year Plans?
Q: I read your Ask the Experts column regarding Statutory Limits to Use for Non-Calendar Year Plans, but was confused as to whether a non-calendar year plan is required to use the plan year in limiting compensation to the 401(a)(17) limit, or could use a calendar year or other 12-month period to make this determination. Can the Experts clarify?
Student Loan Debt Among Older Workers Impedes Retirement Savings
Millions of people aged 55 and above have outstanding student loans, significantly impacting how much they are able to save for retirement, analysis from the New School finds.
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