Solving the Retirement CrisisHow willing are plan
sponsors to embrace change and innovation to fend off the retirement savings
crisis?Read more > |
Using an Adviser or Consultant for Your PlanJudy Leccese,
retirement plans manager at Cabot Corporation, a Plan Sponsor of the Year
finalist, outlined the process of searching for a retirement specialist adviser
for attendees of the 2015 PLANSPONSOR National Conference.Read more > |
Plan TransitionsWhat are the best
practices when your plan starts the process of transitioning to a new recordkeeper?Read more > |
The Intersection of Health Care and RetirementWorkers have to
consider how their well-being, and their spouse’s, will affect their lifestyle
and costs in retirement. Will they have to adjust their budget to cover an
unexpected diagnosis? Have they planned for assisted living later in life?Read more > |
The Evolution of EducationEducation is moving
from away from discussing retirement plan basics and asset allocation to the
value of saving, the importance of starting early and financial wellness.Read more > |
Bill Supports Electronic Plan CommunicationLawmakers introduced bipartisan legislation they
say would modernize the way employers communicate important retirement
information by allowing plan sponsors to automatically opt participants into
electronic delivery of documents.Read more > |
GASB Approves New Accounting Standards for OPEBThe Governmental Accounting Standards Board
(GASB) approved two statements it says will significantly improve accounting
and financial reporting by state and local governments for post-employment
benefits other than pensions.Read more > |
Ask the Experts – What Is Gamification?“A
representative from the recordkeeper for our 403(b) plan referred to the
concept of ‘gamification’ the other day. I pretended to know what she was
talking about, but, in reality, I did not have a clue! What is gamification and
should I care?”Read more > |
What Participants Really WantIn a presentation closing the 10th annual PLANSPONSOR National Conference in Chicago, Alison Cooke Mintzer, editor-in-chief of PLANSPONSOR, outlined key findings from this year’s PLANSPONSOR Participant Survey.Read more > |