March 25th, 2016 |
Although total retirement assets were unchanged from the end of 2014 to the end of 2015, the makeup of those assets changed.Read more > |
A GAO report says claims of the small employer health tax credit have continued to be lower than thought eligible, limiting the effect of the credit on expanding health insurance coverage through small employers.Read more > |
TDF Products Dominated by Proprietary HoldingsNearly 90% of the assets in target-date mutual funds and CITs are controlled by products that invest only in the proprietary funds of the series sponsor.Read more > |
There are diverse needs among different employee groups, but emotions about financial wellness are consistent among all, a Fidelity survey finds.Read more > |
| Retirement Confidence Continues RisingAccess to a retirement plan helps boost individuals’ confidence in their ability to retire, according to EBRI’s latest data.Read more > | Active Funds Can Outperform Passive Funds“Industry-wide averages can be misleading, and may be doing investors a disservice by giving them the perception that all active funds cannot outperform passive funds, which is simply not true,” says Timothy Cohen at Fidelity.Read more > | Determining what makes a retirement plan great requires much more than just looking at quantitative metrics. At some point after choosing Plan Sponsor of the Year finalists, we confront the question: “Why did one plan make our finalists list while another—with what looks like similar statistics—did not?”Read more > | IRS Seeks Recommendations for Priority GuidanceThe Treasury Department and the IRS use the Priority Guidance Plan each year to identify and prioritize the tax issues that should be addressed through published administrative guidance.Read more > | Education Changes Are Likely With Stronger Fiduciary RuleThe “education carve-out” is considered by retirement plan providers to be one of the most high-stakes elements of the fiduciary rulemaking effort.Read more > | TIAA’s global investing infrastructure will now use the client-facing brand name, TIAA Global Asset Management, to better reflect the firm’s global capabilities.Read more > | David Levine and David Powell, with Groom Law Group, and Michael A. Webb, vice president, Retirement Plan Services, Cammack Retirement Group, will field your questions concerning 403(b) plans and regulations. Send them to rmoore@assetinternational.com with Subject: Ask the Experts. Answers may be printed in future (b)lines. This feature is to provide general information only, does not constitute legal advice, and cannot be used or substituted for legal or tax advice. |