(b)Lines Information and Insights for the 403(b) community / brought to you by PLANSPONSOR.
March 6th, 2015

Retirement Savings Sacrificed for College Costs

A study finds about half of parents are willing to delay retirement or dip into retirement savings to pay for children’s education.Read more >

Helping Women Become ‘Smart Savers’ Closes Gender Gap

It’s a common research finding that men, on average, have more saved for retirement than women, but new BlackRock research has identified a core of “smart savers” bucking this trend.Read more >

Increase in Average Retirement Age Has Stalled

The leveling of the average retirement age suggests that earlier drivers of working longer are no longer having a substantial impact, according to a research report from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.Read more >

Financial Wellness Programs Should Address Key Risks

Employer financial wellness programs may include education about budgeting and paying down debt, but they should also help employees protect themselves against some key financial risks.Read more >

Public Feels Retirement Crisis Is Real

The National Institute on Retirement Security’s (NIRS) sixth annual national retirement security poll shows many Americans would be willing to take lower salary increases in exchange for a pension benefit in retirement.Read more >

Lincoln Retirement Plan Services Head Retires

Charles C. Cornelio is retiring as president of retirement plan services at Lincoln Financial Group, a position he has held since 2009.Read more >

NARPP to Offer Participant Education Evaluation Tool

An evaluation tool created by NARPP can be used to measure the impact of education programs and initiatives.Read more >

Using Retirement Planning Points to Memorize Pi

If you know three ages significant to retirement planning, you can memorize the mathematical constant Pi out to 10 decimal places.Read more >
Groom Law Group and Cammack Retirement Group will field your questions concerning 403(b) plans and regulations. Email rebecca.moore@strategic-i.com with Subject Ask the Experts

Editorial: Alison Cooke Mintzer alison.mintzer@strategic-i.com

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