LIMRA Secure
Retirement Institute calculated that 3 million participants have access to an
in-plan income guarantee through their employee-sponsored retirement plan in
2014, a 32% increase from 2013.Read more >
Millennials are taking
shape as a generation that cares about saving for retirement but is in
desperate need of advice and education, a study finds.Read more >
Educated participants
have higher levels of trust, higher savings rates and greater use of retirement
planning tools, the National Association of Retirement Plan Participants
(NARPP) finds.Read more >
The U.S. Supreme Court has taken a modest step
to ensure the fiduciary “duty to monitor” retirement plan investments is
defined as a distinct duty from the initial requirement to prudently select
investments under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).Read more >
Fifty-two percent of employers use social
networking sites to research job candidates, up from 43% last year and 39% in
2013, according to CareerBuilder. Hiring managers surveyed shared things they
found that turned them off.Read more >
Groom Law Group and Cammack
Retirement Group will field your
questions concerning 403(b) plans
and regulations. Email with Subject
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