Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
August 5th, 2016
Benefits & Administration
Reports about average defined benefit (DB) plans’ funded status suggest a slight bump in July. Mercer reports the funded status of S&P 1500 DB plans increased 1% in July, while Wilshire says the funded status for S&P 500 plans gained 0.8%.Read more >
Open Enrollment Not Just About Health Benefits
Mercer experts reviewed open enrollment objectives and recent developments in the health care provider market during a webcast—suggesting open enrollment can also be a time to address the retirement package.Read more >
Parents Put College Education Savings Over Retirement Savings
More parents said they had money saved for their children’s college education than for their retirement, according to a new analysis of T. Rowe Price Survey data. More than three-quarters (76%) of parents would be willing to delay their retirement.Read more >