Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
December 10th, 2015
Benefits & Administration
Institutionalizing DC Plans Can Add Fiduciary Protection
The institutionalization of defined contribution (DC) plans is gaining traction, and is yet another way plan sponsors can achieve their fiduciary responsibilities, experts say. Essentially, the institutionalization of DC plans means adopting some of the procedures of defined benefit (DB) plans as well as leading-edge best practices being used in DC plans. “The largest DB plans are very well run by highly expert executives who employ skillful consultants, asset managers and service providers bringing all of their professional expertise into their work,” says Randal McGathey, vice president, product marketing at Milestone Group in Boston. There is no reason why that approach cannot be adopted by DC plans, even mid-sized and small DC plans, he adds.Read more >
Affluence Does Not Quell Retirement Health Cost Fears
Pre-retirees among all financial statuses have fears about health costs in retirement, but they are not having the conversations needed to plan for them.Read more >