Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
February 27th, 2015
Webcast Event
The construction of a solid retirement plan lineup starts with the mix of fixed-income options you choose. Attend our live, interactive webcast to find out about an evaluation process designed to help you target the funds that best meet the needs and expectations of your participants. Discover our three best-practice pillars.Read more >
Benefits & Administration
Participants Overlooking Appropriate Investments
Findings from a survey by TIAA-CREF suggest retirement plan participants may be overlooking important options that could benefit them. Nearly four in 10 participants (39%) surveyed for the TIAA-CREF 2015 Investment Options Survey say they are not familiar with their retirement plan investment options—an increase from 33% in 2014. Yet, the vast majority of respondents (85%) say they feel comfortable with the investment choices they have made.Read more >
Sponsored message from AICPA
How Confident Are You in Your ERISA Compliance Procedures?
The AICPA Employee Benefit Plans Conference features CPAs who specialize and government representatives who correct plan failures. Get updates on class action cases and procedures to suit your needs.Read more >
Products, Deals & People
Health and retirement law firm Groom Law Group hired Lisa Campbell, recently with the Department of Health and Human Services, and Rachel Leiser Levy, recently with the Department of Treasury, as principals within its health and welfare practice.Read more >
Vanguard Adds to Low-Fee TDF Offering
A new fund series from Vanguard features an estimated expense ratio of 10 basis points and will be offered to institutional investors that meet a $100 million initial investment requirement. The funds are known as Vanguard’s Institutional Target Retirement Funds and are expected to launch by the end of the second quarter.Read more >