Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
February 3rd, 2015
Benefits & Administration
New Mortality Tables Lower Pension Buyout Cost
During December 2014, the average cost of purchasing annuities from an insurer to cover pension liabilities decreased from 109.0% to 105.3% of the accounting liability, according to the Mercer U.S. Pension Buyout Index. The Buyout Index reflects that many plan sponsors are using a new mortality assumption to measure the balance sheet value of their pension obligations, in response to the Society of Actuaries’ publication of the RP-2014 mortality table and MP-2014 mortality improvement scale last October. This update increased balance sheet liabilities and decreased both the cost of buying an annuity as a percentage of the projected benefit obligation (PBO) and the economic cost of maintaining the plan as a percentage of the PBO.Read more >
Products, Deals & People
Mercer Releases Social Security and Medicare Guides
Mercer has released its “2015 Guide to Social Security” and “2015 Medicare” booklets. The guides provide simple explanations of both national programs, discuss recent changes, and evaluate cost and benefit amounts for 2015. The publications include real-life examples and can be used to complement retirement planning advice, Mercer says.Read more >
Sponsored message from Financial Engines
PLANSPONSOR interviews Christopher Jones, Chief Investment Officer at Financial EnginesRead more >
Economic Events
The U.S. Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce announced that construction spending during December 2014 was estimated at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $982.1 billion, 0.4% above the revised November estimate of $978.6 billion. The December figure is 2.2% above the December 2013 estimate of $961.2 billion.