| Benefits & Administration | Retirement Plan Savings Rates Up, Loans Down | Participants are saving more in their retirement plans than they were two years ago, according to the Plan Sponsor Council of America’s (PSCA) 59th Annual Survey. Lower-paid employees are contributing an average of 5.8% of their salaries, up from 5.3% in 2013; this is higher than it was prior to the steep market crash in 2008.Read more > | The Aon Hewitt Pension Risk Tracker, which tracks daily funded status for S&P 500 companies with defined benefit pension plans, found that the funded status deficit of U.S. pension plans increased by $9 billion during 2015. The aggregate funded ratio decreased from 81.3% to 80.0% for the year. Aon Hewitt estimates this change was driven by a liability reduction of $92 billion, which was outpaced by asset declines of $101 billion for the year. The firm also reveals data for Q415 and December.Read more > |
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