Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
July 19th, 2016
Benefits & Administration
Working Later Often a False Hope for the Unprepared
Research warns that current retirees had much less control over their own date of retirement than anticipated, implying plans to work beyond the average retirement age are generally ill-considered.Read more >
Plan Sponsors As Retirement Coaches
A football coach doesn’t just tell players there’s a game and expect them to do all things right and win; the coach helps players improve their skills, plan their moves and review their performance. In the same way, retirement plan sponsors can act as retirement coaches for employees.Read more >
IRS Proposes Regulations for Changes to SECURE 2.0 RMDs
Encouraging Trends in 401(k) Plan Design
What Increased Health Plan-Related Scrutiny Means for Plan Sponsors
Helping Baby Boomers Address Retirement Fears and Risks
Plan sponsors can educate Baby Boomers nearing retirement about what risks they face and provide them with helpful planning opportunities.Read more >
Market Mirror

Monday, the Dow was up 16.50 points (0.09%) at 18,533.05, the NASDAQ gained 26.19 points (0.52%) to finish at 5,055.78, and the S&P 500 increased 5.76 points (0.27%) to 2,167.50. The Russell 2000 climbed 30.54 points (2.59%) to 1,207.90, and the Wilshire 5000 closed 52.32 points (0.23%) higher at 22,441.19.

On the NYSE, 3.1 billion shares traded, with 1.7 advancing issues for every declining issue. On the NASDAQ, 2.7 billion shares changed hands, with a slight lead for advancers.

The price of the 10-year Treasury note was down 11/32, increasing its yield to 1.585%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond decreased 24/32, bringing its yield up to 2.295%.
Sponsored message from Vanguard
Rising interest rates: Weighing risk for TDF retirees
Matthew C. Brancato, CFA, CPA; Scott J. Donaldson CFA, CFP(r), David C. Pakula
This paper discusses higher interest rate environment and target-date funds. A hike in interest rates can be a positive development for retirees.Read more >
Appellate Court Revives Berkshire Hathaway ERISA Suit
Berkshire Hathaway’s decision to freeze a subsidiary’s pension plan will get another look in district court.Read more >
Bill Would Move PBGC Premiums ‘Off Budget’
Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming) has introduced S.3240, described as a bill to prohibit the use of premiums paid to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation as an offset for other federal spending.Read more >
Universal Retirement Plan Bill Introduced
U.S. Representative Joe Crowley (D-New York), vice chair of the Democratic Caucus, introduced the Secure, Accessible, Valuable, Efficient Universal Pension Accounts (SAVE UPs) Act. The bill would require employers with 10 or more employees that do not already offer a retirement plan to contribute 50 cents per hour worked, per employee, to retirement accounts for employees. In addition, employees would be automatically enrolled.Read more >
Small Talk
ON THIS DATE: In 1799, the Rosetta Stone, a tablet with hieroglyphic translations into Greek, was found in Egypt. In 1848, the Women’s Rights Convention took place in Seneca Fall, New York. Bloomers were introduced at the convention. In 1964, in Illinois, Cahokia Mounds was designated as a U.S. National Landmark. In 1971, in New York, the topping out ceremony for Two World Trade Center (South Tower) took place. In 1974, the House Judiciary Committee recommended that U.S. President Richard Nixon should stand trial in the Senate for any of the five impeachment charges against him. In 1984, Geraldine Ferraro was nominated by the Democratic Party to become the first woman from a major political party to run for the office of U.S. Vice President. In 1985, Christa McAuliffe of New Hampshire was chosen to be the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the space shuttle.
TRIVIAL PURSUITS: How much water can a 10-gallon hat hold?Read more >
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Editorial: Alison Cooke Mintzer


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