Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
June 1st, 2016
Benefits & Administration
PBGC Data Tables Show Serious Underfunding
The single-employer program is underfunded by more than $19 billion, and the multiemployer program is underfunded by more than $42 billion.Read more >
DC Plans Add Value for Employees
Greater awareness of retirement and financial concepts and a better perception of employer generosity are some of the value employees get from defined contribution (DC) plans, according to PLANSPONSOR’s 2016 Participant Survey.Read more >
Ask the Experts
What to Do with Proxy Statements
“We just received a proxy statement, along with a request for voting, for one of the investments held in our company’s ERISA 403(b) plan. What should we do with it?”Read more >