Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
March 27th, 2015
Benefits & Administration
Employees Leaving Wellness Incentives on the Table
Many employees aren’t taking full advantage of incentive-based health improvement programs and earning all of their incentives. Fewer than half (47%) of employees earned their full incentive amount in 2014, while 26% earned a partial amount, according to the latest survey about wellness programs from Fidelity Investments and the National Business Group on Health (NBGH). “The next challenge for companies is to continue to find ways to increase participation in these programs and encourage employees to earn the full incentive amount available to them, which will contribute to their financial well-being as well as their physical health,” says Robert Kennedy, Health and Welfare practice leader with Fidelity’s Benefits Consulting business in Boston. “It starts with design and using data to be sure programs are relevant and match the needs of employees,” Kennedy tells PLANSPONSOR.Read more >
Products, Deals & People
In an effort to combat the uncertainty of income in retirement, Principal Financial is launching a program to build confidence and reduce stress among participants as they make the transition to and through retirement.Read more >
Sponsored message from Wells Fargo
Build a stronger plan lineup
Order Three Pillars to Plan Construction today.Read more >
Industry Voices
Industry Voices: Addressing Post-Retirement Risk
In recent years a number of investment products have become available that can help provide some element of security for participants in the post-retirement withdrawal process. Products have been introduced that offer far more flexibility than conventional life annuity contracts.  For example, some permit the participant to make an emergency withdrawal of more than the annual amount of income otherwise available, and some also provide a death benefit equivalent to the remaining asset base in the product. The products typically offer a lifetime withdrawal guaranty feature with an element of guaranteed return on the undistributed withdrawal base. Although the market is in a state of constant evolution and refinement, existing products have reached a sufficient level of sophistication to deserve careful consideration by a defined contribution plan sponsor wishing to offer a valuable option to assist participants in the draw-down phase.Read more >