Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
May 21st, 2015
Webcast Event
A large body of research now confirms the magnitude of the leakage problem in the U.S. retirement system. However, little has been done to investigate the behavioral drivers of leakage, especially cash-outs. This webcast covers the findings of fresh research conducted by Boston Research Technologies, offering revealing insights into job changer’s decisions about their retirement plan balances, particularly related to cash-outs, as well as their attitudes and behaviors towards portability (moving their retirement savings), such as leaving those balances in the former plan or rolling those assets over to their new plan or to an IRA. The session concludes with practical and effective steps that all plan sponsors should take, given the risks and opportunities that the study reveals.Read more >
Benefits & Administration
Generation X Most at Risk Financially
A review of Northwestern Mutual’s 2015 Planning and Progress Study data shows Generation X has the poorest financial habits of all generations in the survey. In addition to comprising the majority of “informal” planners, Gen X has more “spenders” than “savers” compared to other generations and is the least likely to have more savings than debt.Read more >
Health care insurers report continued rising premiums into 2016 with claim trends exceeding general inflation for at least the next 18 months, according to the Spring Healthcare Trend Survey from Wells Fargo Insurance, part of Wells Fargo & Co. Another challenge facing employers is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) excise tax, or so-called Cadillac tax, on high-cost plans that will be effective in 2018, Wells Fargo notes.Read more >
Employers Tweaking Early Retiree Health Benefits
Challenges and opportunities created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are prompting 66% of companies to consider altering their pre-65 retiree health strategies over the next few years, Aon Hewitt finds. Of those companies considering a different strategy, 35% favor sourcing health coverage through the public exchanges under a defined contribution (DC) approach, according to Aon Hewitt’s 2015 Retiree Health Care Survey. More than one-quarter of companies (28%) are considering eliminating pre-65 retiree coverage and subsidies altogether.Read more >