Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
November 18th, 2015
PLANSPONSOR 2015 Defined Contribution Survey
PLANSPONSOR’S much anticipated annual Defined Contribution Survey measures and evaluates the satisfaction levels of 401(k) and other DC providers according to feedback from their plan sponsor clients. Major defined contribution providers are rated in 23 areas of participant/sponsor services. The information collected is intended for plan sponsors to gauge their plans against their peers.Read more >
Benefits & Administration
States Planning to Offer Retirement Plans
Four states—California, Illinois, Oregon and Washington—have passed laws paving the way to offer state-run retirement plans, and 18 additional states are considering such a measure. The Department of Labor (DOL) issued its guidance about state-run plans. Written comments for the proposed new rule are due to the DOL by January 19, 2016, and they are bound to be varied. Industry insiders are divided about whether this is a good idea.Read more >