Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
September 17th, 2015
Benefits & Administration
Employees Want Custom Benefits Communication
Employees entering the work force and those near retirement need tailored communications to optimize workplace benefits, according to the third annual Guardian Workplace Benefits Study. Employees just starting their careers and those nearing retirement have distinct financial needs. Read on to learn how early entrants differ from near retirees in their needs and concerns.Read more >
Participant Distribution Decisions Have Implications for Plan Design
In an update to its December 2013 analysis of retirement-age defined contribution (DC) plan participant distribution decisions, Vanguard found more than two-thirds of participants take steps to preserve assets, and nine in 10 plan dollars are preserved for retirement. According to Vanguard’s report, “Retirement distribution decisions among DC participants—An update,” retirement plan participants’ distribution behavior has implications for the design of target-date funds and retirement income programs.Read more >