PLANSPONSOR Weekend Newsdash
Week ending February 26th, 2016
Happy Friday PLANSPONSOR readers! This week is America Saves Week, and for this effort, several research studies came out showing Americans report only modest savings progress, bumping up contributions every so often is better than nothing, and retirement savers tend to save more for other things. In other news this week, retirement plan fee lawsuits are expanding focus to question why plan sponsors didn’t use alternatives to mutual funds; TIAA-CREF has made some big changes; and you’ll learn how cross-tested plans work and which plans and participants they benefit. Have a great weekend!
Editor's choice
DB Plans Should Start Reviewing Payment Practices
The DOL has begun investigations, attorneys tell PLANSPONSOR.Read more >
Data and Research
Most Americans Only Report Modest Savings Progress
Only about half of non-retired persons say they are saving enough for a suitable standard of living in retirement.Read more >
Data and Research
Retirement Savers More Likely to Save for Other Goals
LIMRA claims its research challenges the idea that retirement saving is “crowded out” by other financial goals.Read more >
Cross-Tested Plans Shoot for Similar Benefits at Retirement
Cross-testing can benefit older, highly paid employees, but can be a win for other employees too.Read more >
Private Health Care Exchanges Meet Employers' Goals
There has been an uptick in the use of private exchanges among mid-sized employers.Read more >
Share the good news with a friend! Pass the Dash along – and tell your friends/associates they can sign up for their own copy.Read more >