PLANSPONSOR Weekend Newsdash
Week ending July 8th, 2016
Happy Friday PLANSPONSOR readers! In news this week, more lawsuits were filed against plan sponsors over investments and fees, and a report revealed that one-third of retirement plans have been audited. With plan sponsors working on the rollout of their 2017 health benefits, Mercer published a list of considerations. NAGDCA sent a call out for public DCs to implement automatic enrollment and escalation in plans. Research shows cash balance plans continue to be an attractive option for employers. And, PLANSPONSOR magazine tells plan sponsors how to efficiently convert to a new recordkeeper. Enjoy this edition of PLANSPONSOR Weekend!
Editor's choice
Compliance Considerations for 2017 Health Benefits Planning
Mercer has issued a list of top 10 compliance issues to consider when planning for 2017 health benefits.Read more >
NAGDCA Supports Auto Enrollment for State DC Plans
A report notes that DC plans for public-sector employees are no longer just supplemental due to changes in state DB plans.Read more >
Data and Research
Cash Balance Plans Continue to Be Attractive Option for Employers
Kravitz found a 19% year-over-year increase in new cash balance plans, compared to 2% for new 401(k)s.Read more >
Switching Over
A conversion to a new recordkeeper can be less complicated than plan sponsors might fear—if they do it the right way.Read more >
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