PLANSPONSOR Weekend Newsdash
Week ending June 3rd, 2016
In this week’s edition of PLANSPONSOR Weekend, we are making a final call for TPAs to participate in our first-ever TPA survey. In light of the increasing number of excessive fee suits, online contributor Michael Barry asks, what exactly is the standard for prudence when making investment decisions? Research shows, with many employees expecting to work past age 70, workers indicate they are willing to pay more for retirement benefits, and our own research shows the value defined contribution (DC) plans offer employees. Since the Supreme Court decision in , several courts have allowed for plan reformation as a relief for fiduciary breaches; now the Department of Labor has weighed in. Enjoy your weekend!
Editor's choice
Participate in Our TPA Survey
This is our last call for TPAs to participate in a survey to provide retirement plans and their advisers a sense of the employer-sponsored retirement plan third-party administrator (TPA) market.Read more >
Industry Voices
Barry’s Pickings Online: Investment Choice and Fee Litigation
In light of the growing number of retirement plan excessive fee litigation, online contributor Michael Barry asks what is the fundamental element of prudence in plan investment decisions.Read more >
Data and Research
Employees Willing to Pay More for Retirement Benefits
Nearly one-quarter of employees say they will have to work past age 70, but many of them may not be able to due to stress and health issues.Read more >
Data and Research
DC Plans Add Value for Employees
DC plans have a material and positive impact on employee retirement savings behavior and outcomes, PLANSPONSOR’s 2016 Participant Survey indicates.Read more >
DOL Supports Reformation of Foot Locker Cash Balance Plan
The DOL disagreed with Foot Locker’s argument that each participant must show he or she detrimentally relied on Foot Locker’s misrepresentations in order to obtain equitable relief.Read more >
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