PLANSPONSOR Weekend Newsdash
Week ending September 30th, 2016
Financial wellness was a topic du jour this week, as a couple of providers announced availability of financial wellness programs and research offered insights to the unique financial wellness needs of different employee groups and factors to achieve financial wellness—one study suggested taking care of health can lead to financial wellness. In other news, two research reports suggested that defined contribution plan (DC) participants will have to seriously bump up savings to make up for the lack of defined benefit (DB) plans. The announcement of a settlement with the Department of Labor (DOL) shows it is focused on enforcing compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued an interpretation that will bring a sigh of relief to certain plan sponsors offering brokerage windows in their plans. Enjoy this edition of PLANSPONSOR Weekend!
Editor's choice
Fidelity Finds Individuals Have Unique Financial Wellness Needs
Emergency savings, budgeting and prioritizing goals are concerns all plan sponsors should address in their financial wellness programs.Read more >
Data and Research
Research Reveals Factors to Achieving Financial Wellness
One of those factors is having employee benefits to help cover unexpected expenses.Read more >
Data and Research
As Pensions Fade, Retirees Will Need More Savings
Future retirees will need upwards of $400,000 to make up for the pension income shortfall, IRI says.Read more >
DOL Reaches Settlement With Company Over ACA Violations
A lumber producer made changes to its health care plan, falling out of “grandfathered” status under the ACA, but kept administering it as a “grandfathered” plan.Read more >
Company Stock Registration Not Necessarily Required With Brokerage Window
The SEC says whether offering a brokerage window in a 401(k) through which investments in employer securities can be made involves an offer of employer securities requiring Securities Act registration depends on the extent of the plan sponsor’s involvement.Read more >
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