February 15th, 2022
Information & Insights for the 403(b) Community
Webinar: How to Increase Employees’ Financial Wellness
Join us Thursday as industry experts and a plan sponsor discuss the advantages of offering a financial wellness program to employees; how to structure such a program; and suggestions for getting employees to participate in a financial wellness program.
Ask the Experts
Excluding Employees From Mandatory and Employer 403(b) Contributions
“We are a private university that sponsors an ERISA 403(b) plan with a base employer contribution and an employee mandatory contribution. We want to create a new class of employees that is not eligible for the employer contribution and would not be required to make the mandatory contribution. However, our recordkeeper is insistent that we cannot do that due to universal availability rules. Is that correct?”
Verity Asset Management Names Chief Governance Officer
Verity Asset Management, a registered investment adviser, has appointed Robert McLean as chief governance officer of its newly launched service offering, the plan governance platform Vynntana. Vynntana provides a suite of tools and services in support of 403(b) and 457(b) plan sponsors and the non-Employee Retirement Income Security Act retirement vehicles they provide for their eligible employees.
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