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Wednesday, April 19th, 2023
A biweekly topical newsletter from PLANSPONSOR
DB Plans
Information for plan sponsors about defined benefit plans.
Increased Pension Fund Liabilities Overrode Investment Returns in March
According to most analysts, the fall in discount rates raised liabilities by more than the growth in equities, leading to deterioration of funded status in March.
PBGC Provides More Than $400 Million in Supplemental Funding to New York Teamsters
The NYS Teamsters Conference Plan has now received approximately $1.4 billion in total. The PBGC also provided supplemental relief to three other plans.
End Of The Road For Defined Benefit Plans? Not Quite
While the vast majority of DB plans are frozen, plan sponsors are keeping all options on the table for participants.
DB Summit: Alternative DB Plan Designs
Experts explained the advantages of cash balance DB plans and variable plans that offer a set payday without losing the advantages of market growth.
2023 DB Summit: Factors in DB Plan Decisionmaking
To keep the defined benefit plans active or not? That is the question for many plan sponsors.
DB Summit: Long-Term Investing
Liability-driven investment, lump-sum distribution and de-risking options are all on the table, experts say.
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