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Wednesday, December 21st, 2022
A biweekly topical newsletter from PLANSPONSOR
Income in Retirement
Information for defined contribution (DC) plan sponsors about products, strategies and tools to help participants create retirement income.
Investments Special Issue︱Retirement Income
New Solutions for Retirement Income
The demand for retirement income is increasing exponentially
Data and Research
Workers Worry About Retirement Income as Prices Spike
Millennials lead Generation X and Baby Boomers in believing that they won’t receive any benefits from Social Security upon retirement. 
Data and Research
Public-Sector Workers Face Retirement Income Shortfalls Without Supplemental Savings
National Institute on Retirement Security research finds pension plans alone often don’t provide retirement income adequacy for state and local government employees.
Data and Research
Morningstar Advises 3.8% “Safe” Withdrawal Rate, Balanced Portfolio
Morningstar increased its recommended withdrawal rate for retirees from last year and continues to see best outcomes for participants in both bonds and stocks.
Data and Research
Empower Participants’ Retirement Savings Fall
Despite savings rates decreasing slightly, 75% of study respondents are not planning to reduce retirement contributions.
Annuities Gain Steam as Part of Target-Date Funds
Cerulli retirement research shows consultants favor TDFs with guaranteed income for plan sponsors’ lifetime income options.
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