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Wednesday, November 16th, 2022
A biweekly topical newsletter from PLANSPONSOR
Health Care and HSAs
Data, trends and strategies regarding health care benefits and health savings accounts (HSAs).
Open Enrollment Is A Good Time to Address Health, Wealth, and Savings
Full-service benefits, wealth management, and retirement providers say plan sponsors can take the opportunity to engage participants beyond just health benefits. 
Data and Research
Inflation Is Affecting Participants’ Health Care Spend And Retirement Deferrals
Many workers are considering downgrading their health insurance during open enrollment because of high inflation, according to the Nationwide Retirement Institute.
Data and Research
Rising Employer Health Care Costs May Boost Self-Insured Plans
A new WTW survey shows that half of employers are concerned about the increasing costs of providing group health plan coverage for retirees 
PLANSPONSOR Webinar: Your HSA Questions Answered
Experts caution that when plan sponsors consider adding health savings accounts, the employers must contemplate complex questions and examine the demographics of their workforce.
Data and Research
Provider Friction to Invest HSA Assets Stymies Usage
Despite growth for total HSA assets reaching nearly $100 billon, invested assets are still stubbornly sluggish. 
Data and Research
Employer Health Care Costs Will Spike Less Than Inflation
Insurance costs were muted during 2020, the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, but they will return to rise at ‘more typical levels,’ research shows.
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