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Wednesday, October 19th, 2022
A biweekly topical newsletter from PLANSPONSOR
DC Plan Investing
Data, trends and education about defined contribution (DC) plan investing.
DC Plans Slow to Adopt ESG Options
Many plan sponsors remain hesitant to implement environmental, social and governance investing until the Department of Labor rules on the subject.
Open Season
Adding DC plan options to your annual offerings could up plan engagement.
Bitwage Partnership Brings Crypto to 401(k) Plans, Payroll
Bitwage and ForUsAll have partnered on a new platform that will allow employees to automatically contribute a portion of their paycheck to crypto.
Data and Research
Knot of Financial Challenges Derails Saving for Retirement
Goldman Sachs Asset Management finds a ‘financial vortex’ of challenges in competing financial priorities is preventing participants from saving sufficiently for retirement. 
Target-Date Glide Paths Are Not Personalized Across Industries
Plan sponsors across industry sectors and with widely different wages for workers are using essentially the same target-date fund glide paths, research shows.
ERISA Amendment Could Lead to Increased Investment in Alternative Assets
The Retirement Savings Modernization Act would explicitly state that 401(k) plans can include investments in all asset classes, though this is not currently banned under existing law.
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