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Wednesday, July 6th, 2022
A biweekly topical newsletter from PLANSPONSOR
Financial Wellness
A spotlight on employee financial needs, as well as trends and practices in employer financial wellness programs.
The Role of Financial Wellness Amid Rising Inflation
As more employees worry about their ability to make ends meet, they are looking to their financial advisers and HR professionals for help.
Data and Research
Women’s Financial Confidence Is Lower for Retirement Than for Day-to-Day
Women are starting to feel more comfortable talking about money, with 53% saying they would find it easier to talk to other women, a new study shows.
PSNC 2022: How to Improve Employees’ Financial Wellness
Plan sponsors can offer creative, effective financial wellness programs at little cost by partnering with all benefit providers and advisers.
Debt Challenges All Generations in the Workforce
Nearly half of all workers say their current level of debt hinders their ability to save for retirement.
Data and Research
Consensus Builds Around Early Financial Education
The vast majority of U.S. adults think their state should require a semester- or year-long course in personal finance education prior to high school graduation.
Data and Research
Emergency Savings Programs Boost Retirement Outcomes
A report from DCIIA and Commonwealth suggests that emergency savings should be placed in an account that is distinct from funds intended for long-term retirement savings.
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