Industry Intel Roundup Logo
Industry Intel Roundup Logo
for the month of June 2020
PLANSPONSOR is pleased to present the next edition of our Industry Intel Roundup newsletter. Here we feature articles, whitepapers, webcasts, and videos from thought leaders in the industry. This content is intended to help plan sponsors gain a deeper understanding of nascent trends and provide key insights and analysis on the retirement benefits space.
Featured Thought Leadership
The Benefits Balancing Act
Offering more benefits typically leads to recruitment success, but it's not as simple when it comes to retention.
Why COLI? Why MassMutual?
Interview with Mark Laramee Managing Director of COLI Sales, Institutional Solutions
Coronavirus and Your Company’s Retirement Plan
As more states respond to the Coronavirus by ordering people to shelter in place and closing nonessential business operations, commerce is screeching to a halt. Millions of Americans are being forced onto unemployment rolls, anxiously awaiting their next paycheck and, at least momentarily, postponing saving for retirement.
Featured Whitepapers
SPONSORED BY: Edelman Financial Engines
Covid-19 and Financial Well-Being
How Employers Can Help Employees Manage Financial Stress, Be Better Prepared, and Improve Work Productivity
The Forgotten Participant
Examining defined contribution participant investing behaviors and decision-making
SPONSORED BY: Franklin Templeton
Quantitative Science—Actively Adding To Fixed Income Decisions
Quantitative vs. active debate? This issue of Franklin Templeton Fixed Income Markets explains how our “active quant” approach sets us apart.
SPONSORED BY: MetLife Retirement & Income Solutions
From Traditional to Transitional: How the Nation’s Retirement Model Is Changing
81% of employers say they have workers delaying retirement because they feel financially trapped.1
Featured Webcasts
Plan Progress Webinar Series
PLANSPONSOR’s Plan Progress webinar series is designed to help you develop better or more advanced plan governance and design, with the goal of improving outcomes for retirement plan participants. Each month, the editors of PLANSPONSOR and industry experts will engage in discussions about strategies to improve plan design, communications, governance and compliance. Join us and push your plan forward.
Attracting Employees by Helping Them Tackle Student Loan Debt Within a Holistic Financial Wellness Program
Working Americans are no longer just saving for retirement. Too many are living paycheck to paycheck, struggling with managing debts of all types. Student loan management needs are peaking at an all-time high, impacting people from ages 25 to 65 earning $24,000 to $300,000. Hear how an esteemed employee benefit consultant, asset management thought leader, entrepreneur and policy advocate are pivoting as an industry to create holistic financial wellness benefits.
Responding to COVID-19: Retirement Plan Design, Fiduciary Best Practices, and Employee Financial Wellbeing Considerations
COVID-19 continues to have a significant impact on the nation and economy. Market volatility, organizational sustainability, and employee financial resilience are a few of the specific challenges plan sponsors face with regards to their retirement programs. The responsibilities to manage fiduciary risk and evaluate plan design alternatives are constrained by time and resources now dedicated to other business-related decisions addressing COVID-19. As an organization and committee, now is a critical time to ensure you’re maintaining prudent review and decision making processes. This means reviewing the right information to make plan design decisions that control expenses and cash flow while also considering participant impact and ensuring your employees have access to resources that can help them make financial decisions in a stressful environment.
Protecting your Retirement Assets from the Next Black Swan Event
Target Date Funds now dominate the asset flows in 401k and 403b plans bringing in more than 60% of all new contributions. The click it and forget it mentality has made Target Date Funds an easy, user friendly investment vehicle for most retirement clients. But, do plan sponsors and more importantly, plan participants, really understand what they are investing in? All TDFs are not created equally. During the 2008 financial crisis, as well as the current Coronavirus dislocation, the difference in returns and volatility among the top TDF offerings was staggering.
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