Freezing the Company DB Plan Does Not Suspend Its Needs
For the most part, plan sponsors must do everything they did when...
The Push and Pull of CITs
Lawsuits act as a reminder that a prudent review of fee costs...
Sponsors Can Hack-Proof Their Plan
Organizations should have some defensive elements in place.
Insights |August - September 2020
Progressive Plans
Workplace savings plans can’t just be about having money at retirement age.
Survey Says |August - September 2020
Survey Says
Zoom-Fatigued? ProsCons• No one can see you from the waist down• Feeling of personal space being intruded upon• You can see the casual side of business contacts• Technical...
UpFront |August - September 2020
COVID Calls For Beneficiary Reviews
Complex changes underline the value of good communications.
Tidbits |August - September 2020
Involuntary RetirementAlmost 2 million older workers—those between the ages of 55 and 70—left the labor force in the first three months after the start of the Great Recession,...
Industry Analysis |August - September 2020
ESG and Responsible Investing
What might plan sponsors bear in mind in the short term regarding responsible investing?
Rules/Regs |August - September 2020
From Washington and the Courts
EBSA releases interim final rule on lifetime income illustrations; DOL's fiduciary rule debate continues; ESG restrictions are panned; and more.
Wellness Strategies |August - September 2020
Social Security Demystified
Why so many Americans file too early, and how employers can help.
Total Benefits |August - September 2020
New Support for HR Teams
Sponsors might find their plan adviser can do more than they think.
DB Focus |August - September 2020
An Unstable Time for Funding
In light of the impact of COVID-19, more funding relief is needed.
Investment Focus |August - September 2020
Rethinking Fixed Income
What are the options besides bonds?
ERISA Examination |August - September 2020
Plans Are A-Changin’
Eight areas to consider for potential plan amendments.
Inside Angle |August - September 2020
DOL Doubles Down
The agency’s recent proposal creates stricter limits for ESG investments.
Postscript |August - September 2020
Winning Ways in the Pandemic
Plan Sponsors of the Year share how they’re dealing with COVID-19.