SURVEY SAYS – Is There a Bumper (Sticker) Crop?

With the first Presidential debate still ringing in our ears, the first Vice-Presidential debate just hours away, and Congress - well, let's say just it's pretty obvious this is an election year.

A whopping 81.5% of this week’s respondents said they did not have a political bumper sticker on their vehicle and – at least based on the verbatim comments, that is a decision that transcends this particular election cycle.   Just over 12% said they did, about 2% said they did (but they weren’t the ones who put it there, and the remainder said they didn’t have one on their bumper – yet.

The reasons for not doing so ran the gamut – from aesthetic ( “I have it sitting on the inside of a side window. I hate putting glue on my vehicle!,” said one.   Another offered “Why some people choose to make their cars look like giant, mobile sticker books is beyond my comprehension.”  Yet another offered, “I haven’t yet mastered the art of perfect alignment that get my husband to allow me to put one on my car.” ) to defensive ( “Too risky in California…some people “pack”, said one, while another said, “No, why would I give someone another reason to inflict road rage upon me?” ) to personal ( “I’m a very private person; my opinions are not for mass distribution,” noted one, while another said “I would if I were not contemplating selling my car.” ) to folks who either haven’t made up their mind – or an apparently larger number (at least among those making comments) that is not happy with either choice.  

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Here’s a sampling:

Wouldn’t a bumper sticker signify support? Thus far no one or party has convinced me to jump off the fence.

We are still undecided, but would not put one on our car in any case. Nothing is allowed to mess up the look

I don’t like putting bumper stickers on my car but if I had one it would say “Is it too late to start over with the nominations?”

I haven’t been able to find a good bumper sticker for the Undecided.

I question the judgment of anyone who puts a bumper sticker on their car. That will automatically make you an extremist and you lose creditability.

Does anyone else wish we had some other choices for president?!

I haven’t seen a bumper sticker for “Still Undecided.”

I can’t stand political bumper stickers. In the event your candidate wins, good for you, you can prove you voted with the majority. Otherwise, won’t you look like a fool for the next 4 years (and beyond).

Scraping them off is just too difficult! I am amazed at their longevity – I still see bumper stickers from 2000 and 2004 – how embarrassing for them (the cars, that is)!

There were some interesting observations about bumper stickers posted and observed:

Bumper Sticker says "Dock Senators Obama and McCain for their days out of Senate while they chase their dream"

"This morning I laughed at a person who had taped a Barack bumper sticker to their car...not quite willing to commit?"

I don't believe in expressing myself that way; but I did see a great one the other day...."I'd rather go hunting with Cheney that for a ride with Kennedy".

It reads "Are we voting for President or Prom Queen?"

And there were some really practical observations:

"Who is driving their car with the price of gas?", noted one.

Another offered, "I never put any bumper stickers on my car. I don't feel the need to share my political views, what college I or my children attended, the grades my kids got in school, or any other personal information that no one other than me cares about, on my car!"    

"I don't want to do something to my car that I might regret in 4 years!" said another.

But this week's Editor's Choice goes to the reader who has a sticker, but clarified that "…it's only in the window since I hope to sell the car whenever the economy recovers."

Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey!

Too risky in Califonria...some people "pack."
I would if I were not contemplating selling my car.
I don't have any stickers on my car, political or otherwise.
Who is driving their car with the price of gas...
Never have, but I once bought a 'Vote For Ross Perot' t-shirt out of the trunk of a vehicle!! I think I even voted for him too since I was so discouraged with the candidates. Where is our R.P. of 2008?
Does anyone else wish we had some other choices for president?!
The only stickers that I put on my car are ones relating to the Grateful Dead.
This morning I laughed at a person who had taped a Barak bumper sticker to their car...not quite willing to commit?
No bumper stickers of any kind, ever!
I have it sitting on the inside of a side window. I hate putting glue on my vehicle! 🙂
McCain/Palin yard sign
Why some people choose to make their cars look like giant, mobile sticker books is beyond my comprehension.
This election seems to be between a liberal and a socialist so no way, but even if a conservative was running I'll stick with yard signs and not destroy my car's paint.
Yuck - No! Absolutely not! And I don't like seeing them on other cars either.
McCain = Bush's Third Term
Bumper Sticker says "Dock Senators Obama and McCain for their days out of Senate while they chase their dream"
Wouldn't a bumper sticker signify support? Thus far no one or party has convinced me to jump off the fence.
No, why would I give someone another reason to inflict road rage upon me?
don't believe in expressing myself that way; but I did see a great one the other day...."I'd rather go hunting with Cheney than for a ride with Kennedy".
I juist put a Cubs' decal in my window-Go Cubs!!!
This is one of my pet peeves. I seem to see so many more negative political bumper stickers on cars now. If a person wants to support their side, fine, but it seems like I see more and more people who only have something or someone to be "against".
I haven't been able to find a good bumper sticker for the Undecided.
I don't like putting bumper stickers on my car but if I had one it would say "Is it too late to start over with the nominations?"
I haven't yet mastered the art of perfect alignment that get my husband to allow me to put one on my car.
I'm a very private person; my opinions are not for mass distribution, although I will speak with others about politics one-on-one.
And I'm not seeing many on any cars around here (Madison, Wisconsin). I don't see many yard signs either for either side.
We are still undecided, but would not put one on our car in any case. Nothing is allowed to mess up the look
I never do bumper stickers for anything because at some point you can count on the subject of the sticker making you embarrassed to be associated with it.
I wouldn't dare. The hate from the Obama fanatics (and I hasten to add that most Obama supporters are not fanatics) is so heavy here that anyone with a McCain bumper sticker risks having the car keyed. There is a small but extremely vocal and vengeful minority that will shout down and vilify anyone that does not accept their view.
Church and State - The lines are blurring under Republicans.
But it's only in the window since I hope to sell the car whenever the economy recovers.
I question the judgement of anyone who puts a bumper sticker on their car. That will automatically make you an extremist and you lose creditability.
I would NEVER put any kind of bumper sticker on my car. I do, however, get a kick out of reading other people's stickers.
You should see my "wallpaper" picture
If I could find a McCain/Palin sticker I would, for the first time, put one on the bumper of my car. Last presidential election I was following a pickup truck carrying John Cary posters and I inadvertently (I hope) hit it. Their trailer hitch went through my grill and it cost me $1,600 to repair. It was worth it.
I limit "statements" posted on my car to several small square window stickers (stuck on the inside): a parking garage sticker, a college alum sticker, logos of favorite activity (triathlon) and favorite charity(MS Society). This minimizes the chance that some over-zealous idiot will key my car if they don't agree with my politics/religion/other opinions.
I haven't seen a bumper sticker for "Still Undecided."
If I were a bumper sticker kind of person, I definitely know which sticker I'd want.
I can't say as I am 100% sure the rescue, bailout, free lunch to big corporations, whatever, will save the US economy. My primary worry is that the entire object of this package is to help free up loans. Weren't loans and reckless borrowing what got us into this mess in the first place? Will this really help "Joe Six Pack" as politicians keep saying? On the otherhand, I really don't think all or most big corporation and banks crashing will solve anything either. It is a sticky situation either way you go.
And not on my front lawn either!
He*l No! Purposely damage the finish on my car with the trash of morons? I don't think so.
I can't stand political bumper stickers. In the event your candidate wins, good for you, you can prove you voted with the majority. Otherwise, won't you look like a fool for the next 4 years (and beyond).
It reads "Are we voting for President or Prom Queen?"
I don't want to do something to my car that I might regret in 4 years!
I have a bumber sticker for shock jocks Opie & Anthony. I wouldn't want to soil my reputation by putting a political bumper sticker on my truck.
Scraping them off is just too difficult! I am amazed at their longevity - I still see bumper stickers from 2000 and 2004 - how embarassing for them (the cars, that is)!
never will
Our state is pretty much decided, so why bother.
Being a Retirement Wholesaler, I cant have anything that may offend, or disagree with any Plan Sponsors or Financial Advisors as I pull into their respective parking lots.
