FRIDAY FILES – November 22, 2019

And now it's time for FRIDAY FILES!

Mail carriers and… turkeys; a sweet, selfless child; a dancing BonJovi fan and more.

In Tucson, Arizona, a man claims a taco saved his life. He was eating a taco while driving his car, and suddenly the window on the driver’s side shattered, according to Tucson station KOLD TV. Someone had shot through the window. The man told KOLD he normally drives with his car window down with his arm on the window ledge―the same spot where the bullet hit his car. “I’m pretty sure [eating a] taco saved my life…,” he said. “I had the window closed because I didn’t want pieces of the taco flying around.”

For my fellow BonJovi fans.

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I know mail carriers have to be careful of dogs, but turkeys???

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The sweetest, most-selfless (and a very smart) child.

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