A Little Friday File Fun

In Ambridge, Pennsylvania, police used Facebook to find a man wanted on as.sault charges. An hour after the incident, he posted on Facebook that it was “time to leave PA.” That didn’t give officers much of a clue, but days later, he made another Facebook post with a selfie on a Greyhound bus and a message that he was headed to South Carolina. According to the Associated Press, police arrested him when the bus stopped in Ohio. The Ambridge police chief said, “We like it when dumb criminals assist us.”

In Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Ruff Start Rescue, an animal shelter that partners with the Minneapolis PetSmart to have its adoptable animals displayed at the store, said a three-month-old kitten was stolen from the store, and the man accused of taking the cat was caught on the store’s security cameras. However, according to UPI, less than 24 hours later, the kitten was found in a box outside of a PetSmart store in nearby Roseville. A note left with the kitten said, “I didn’t have money and had planned to give the kitten as a Valentine’s Day gift. I’m sorry.”

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In Belém, Brazil, a merchant left a grocery store to investigate a commotion across the street. The commotion was caused by a robbery and the thief opened fire, hitting the merchant on the left side of her chest. She staggered back into the store and was quickly taken to get medical attention. It was discovered that the bullet was stopped by the metal underwire in the merchant’s undergarment. The woman only reported feeling a burning sensation.

In Wichita Falls, Texas, a man took cash to the tax office to pay his property tax, among which was a roll of tightly wound $1 bills. Tax officials requested that he unfold the bills so they could count them, and the man launched into a tirade. According to Reuters, the man engaged in an anti-government rant where he showed his anger about paying taxes. He refused to leave the office, and law enforcement was called and arrested him.

In Tampa, Florida, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s officials say a couple had been sleeping in a dumpster outside a convenience store when the dumpster was emptied into the back of a garbage truck. The couple started screaming and banging on the sides of the truck. According to the Associated Press, rescue crews were called and removed the man and woman from the truck. Deputies originally believed they were homeless, but learned they were highly into.xicated after hanging out at a nearby casino.


This is what happens when you tell a cat “NO!”

If you can't view the below video, try http://youtu.be/LNWjZcbv2uI

What is a cat to do when faced with a door of snow?

If you can't view the below video, try http://youtu.be/gu9VC1MyAEU

It looks pretty cool when a train plows through snow.

If you can't view the below video, try http://youtu.be/6acPX_00M9Q
