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A Little Friday File Fun (12/19)
Well, here’s a couple of thousand…
Burger King (yes, the fast food company) has just launched a men’s body spray called “Flame.” The company describes the spray as “the scent of seduction with a hint of flame-broiled meat.” The fragrance is on sale online for a limited time (and just $3.99). MORE at
OK, nothing says “I care” like a personally wrapped present – – – but what if you don’t have time to give it that special ‘I don’t really know how to wrap a gift properly” look? Well, if you’re in the UK, and have $9, you have “CrapWrap” – a wrapping service so shoddy the recipient will be left in no doubt that you did it – – – whether it’s a book, DVD or something trickier such as a kitchen utensil, the team guarantees to make a mess of it – – – MORE at
Because there (apparently) are no other great issues for science to ponder, researchers at the University of St Andrews have managed to figure out what Jim Morrison – – – the lead singer of the 1960s group The Doors – – – would look like today. Well, if he hadn’t died in 1971 (at the age of 27), that is – – – and now you can also satisfy your curiosity at
For those of you who don’t remember what Jim Morrison (see above) used to look – or sound like…or for those of you who do…
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- - - In Bournemouth, Dorset, UK, Greig Howe, 35, brought home a Christmas tree that would make Clark Griswold (of Christmas Vacation fame) envious - - - 35 feet tall - - - which, as you might expect, was somewhat larger than the space available - - - but Greig, unlike Clark, had a unique "solution" - - - MORE at
Greig, who paid £250 pounds for the monster tree, wanted to give his kids a Christmas they would always remember - - - so he cut up the huge tree into three almost equal parts - - - put the bottom chunk (with 10ft long branches, by the way) in the lounge - - - crammed the middle part into the spare bedroom - - - and the top section - - - measuring 15ft - - - was placed on the roof directly above the bedroom - - - and from the outside it looks like - - - well, you can see for yourself: MORE at
- - - In Grapevine, Texas , a driver was pulled over on Highway 360 here - - - but something struck the driver as unconvincing - - - so he asked to see identification - - - and the "officer" pulled out an ID - - - that turned out to be a Chipoltle restaurant gift card with those words blacked out - - - the word "Police" scratched on it - - - but the Chipoltle emblem and logo still very much in evidence - - - better yet - the "officer" is now being held on immigration charges - - - you can see his ID at MORE at
- - - In Dekalb County, Georgia , police are looking for four suspects that robbed a Bank of America here - - - but they shouldn't have much trouble finding them - - - seems that before they entered the bank, they went into a sporting goods store next to the bank - - - where surveillance cameras in the store show everyone who walks in - - - MORE at
- - - In Manchester, UK , Brian Rawsthorne, 50, took part in the Bupa Great Manchester run - - - crossed the finish line after two hours and eight minutes - - - got his 15 seconds of fame in the Manchester Evening News - - - boasting how he had lost weight training for the race - - - all of which might have been to the good - - - except that at the time he was receiving disability payments - - - having, since 1997, been getting a Disability Living Allowance, since he said he couldn't walk more than 20 yards - - - sometimes had to walk on crutches, climb the stairs on his bottom - - - and could not walk about in hot weather - - - Paul Darnborough, prosecuting for the DWP, said: "The department would say that his ability to cope with his disability is a change in circumstances" - - - him at$plit/C_71_article_1085568_image_list_image_list_item_0_image.jpg?15%2F12%2F2008%2020%3A02%3A28%3A286
- - - In Demotte, Indiana , Hope Wideup was annoyed when the turn signal and windshield wipers wouldn't work on her 2004 vehicle - - - but as it had just crossed the 60,000 mile mark, she figured maybe it was time that things started to break down - - - she had left the car sitting for a couple of weeks after the turn signal failed to function - - - then when she went to start the vehicle, the engine made a huge revving sound - - - and when she popped the hood - - - she found a unique surprise - - - MORE at
Thousands of black walnuts! Hope thinks it all started last fall when a chipmunk snatched a garden glove from her yard. She later found the glove in the engine compartment when she was trying to repair the broken turn signal. Unable to fix the problem, however, Wideup let the car sit unused for a couple of weeks and then heard a loud revving sound from the engine when she tried to start the vehicle. Oh, it cost her $242.08 for towing and repairs.
Oh, and if you missed it, today is Festivus - the holiday "for the rest of us", according to the popular 1997 episode of Seinfeld. With it comes the traditional feats of strength, the airing of grievances - not to mention the tinsel-less pole.
Whether you know what I'm talking about - or think I've lost my mind - you can check it out below:
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In 1972, the Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Oakland Raiders 13-7 in an NFL playoff game on a last-second play where the Steelers' Franco Harris caught a deflected pass in what has become known as the "Immaculate Reception."
You can relive (or experience for the first time) that catch below:
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TRIVIAL PURSUITS : Before settling on the name of Tiny Tim for his character in "A Christmas Carol," Charles Dickens considered at least three other alliterative names. What were they?
They were Little Larry, Puny Pete, and Small Sam.