2015 PLANSPONSOR National Conference

Tuesday, June 2, 2015
-Registration and Continental Breakfast (Crystal Room Foyer level 3)
Opening Remarks: Alison Cooke Mintzer, Global Editor-in-Chief, PLANSPONSOR
Fiduciary Fundamentals: Best Practices to Stay Out of Trouble
Leah Morgan Singleton, Counsel, Alston & Bird -
The Importance of a Committee: Running Your Plan
Lisa H. Barton, Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP -
Coffee Break
Target-Date Funds: Understanding the asset class
Toni Brown, Senior DC Specialist, American Funds -
Fees: What is reasonable and what is required
Phyllis E. Klein, Senior Director Consulting Research Group, CAPTRUST Financial Advisors -
Ask the Experts
Closing Remarks: Rebecca Moore, Managing Editor, PLANSPONSOR.com
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
-Registration and Buffet Lunch – International Ballroom foyer (2nd floor)
-Opening Remarks: Alison Cooke Mintzer, Editor-in-Chief, PLANSPONSOR
Re-Visioning Retirement: New Timing, New Purpose, New Planning, New Funding
Maddy Dychtwald is a nationally recognized author, co-founder of Age Wave and leading expert on the changing demographic trends that shape the marketplace, the workplace and our lives. Having spent almost 30 years investigating and forecasting the lifestyle, marketing and retirement implications of the age wave, she has also emerged as an authority on the economic ascent of women, including its impact on various industries, such as financial services, health care and consumer marketing.
SPEAKER: Maddy Dychtwald, Author, Co-founder of Age Waves
Click here for audio -
Session 1
CEO Roundtable Retirement plan industry leaders discuss practical solutions for retirement plan sponsors
Alison Cooke Mintzer, Editor-in-Chief, PLANSPONSORPanelists
Eric H. Wietsma, Senior Vice President, Retirement Services Sales & Worksite Education, MassMutual Retirement Services
Joe Ready, Executive Vice President, Wells Fargo Institutional Retirement and Trust
Peter Gordon, Chief Executive Officer, John Hancock Retirement Plan Services
,Session 2
-Coffee Break sponsored by Transamerica Retirement Solutions
What Success Looks Like Stories of plan design, education, and fiduciary solutions from PLANSPONSOR Plan Sponsors of the Year
Rebecca Moore, Managing Editor, PLANSPONSOR.comPanelists
Stephen T. Best, Vice President, Director of Compensation and Benefits, JE Dunn Construction
Kit Brady, Vice President of Human Resources, Education and Guest Experience, Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare
Tim Atkinson, Chair, City of Austin Deferred Compensation Committee -
The Regulatory Environment An update on the legislative, regulatory and policy happenings in Washington
John Manganaro, Associate Editor , PLANADVISER & PLANSPONSORPanelists
Marcia S. Wagner, Managing Director, The Wagner Law Group
David N. Levine, Principal, Groom Law Group, Chartered -
Top Trends Two industry leaders take a 30,000 foot level view of employer-sponsored benefit programs, participant trends, and what is likely to stay and change in the short- and long-term
Alison Cooke Mintzer, Editor-in-Chief, PLANSPONSORPanelists
Sean McLaughlin, Senior Vice President, Client Relations & Business Development, Prudential Retirement
Greg Wilson, Managing Director, Head of Platform Solution Group for North America, Goldman Sachs Asset Management -
-Cocktails and Dinner in Exhibit Hall – Imperial Ballroom (lower level B2)
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Breakfast – sponsored by Milliman (Imperial Ballroom lower level B2)
-Opening Remarks – Alison Cooke Mintzer, Editor-in-Chief, PLANSPONSOR
Using Plan Design to Help Drive Engagement
Participants understand that they are responsible for planning their retirement, but many struggle with how to do it. As plan sponsors and service providers, we work hard to reach them and get them engaged, but broad engagement remains elusive for many plans. In this keynote presentation, Steve Anderson, head of Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Inc., will share his perspective on how smart plan design can help to drive engagement among participants and support them in reaching their retirement goals.
SPEAKER: Steve Anderson, President, Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Charles Schwab
Click here for audio -
Session 1
Implementing Retirement Readiness Benchmarks Setting a goal of participant retirement readiness is the easy part. Understanding how to evaluate that goal can be a challenge. This panel will discuss how to define retirement readiness; the measures that can be used to evaluate retirement readiness; the tools and services plan sponsors can use to benchmark their plans; and what next steps are once they start measuring.
Bradley K. Arends, J.D., Chief Executive Officer and Senior Consultant, Alliance Benefit Group Financial Services, Corp.Panelists
Laraine McKinnon , Managing Director, BlackRock
James Nichols, Head of Advice and Strategy Services, Voya FinancialSession 2
Plan Audits: Click here for audio Can the annual plan financial audit warn plan sponsors about plan errors? What common errors do regulators find in retirement plans? What should plan sponsors do if they are notified of an audit? Moderator
Judy Faust Hartnett, Managing Editor, PLANSPONSORPanelists
Brandy Cross, Principal, Milliman
Mark Koeppen, Vice President, Rollover Solutions Group, Millenium Trust CompanySession 3
Nonqualified and Executive Compensation Plan Design and Trends: Click here for audio How can sponsors of nonqualified plans increase plan participation? How can sponsors increase financial help for executives? What are new or common trends among nonqualified plans? Moderator
Rebecca Moore, Managing Editor, PLANSPONSOR.comPanelists
Jeff Roberts, Executive Deferred Compensation, Product Consultant, ADP
Robert A. Kieckhefer, Managing Director, The Kieckhefer Group -
-Coffee Break sponsored by Transamerica Retirement Solutions
Session 1
Designing Plans for Optimal Outcomes: Click here for audio How should plan sponsors define “optimal outcomes” for their retirement plan and participants? What plan design features or participant services will help participants reach optimal outcomes? How should plan sponsors measure participant outcomes and the success of their plans? Moderator
Alison Cooke Mintzer, Editor-in-Chief, PLANSPONSORPanelists
Michael Swann, Director, Defined Contribution Strategies, SEI
Rennie Worsfold, Vice President, Financial Engines
Peter Kapinos, Head of Client Engagement, Empower RetirementSession 2
Plan Decumulation Strategies and Products: Click here for audio Is it important to offer decumulation products in your plan or not? What decumulation options/strategies are currently available and how do they differ? How will offering these products up your fiduciary risks? Adjusting plan documents for decumulation strategies. Moderator
Rebecca Moore, Managing Editor, PLANSPONSORPanelists
Gordon Tewell, Principal, Innovest Portfolio Solutions LLC
Glenn Dial, Head of Retirement Strategy, Allianz Global Investors
Shale W. Latter, Retirement Plan Consultant, CapTrust Advisors, LLCSession 3
DB Plan Pension Risk Transfer: Click here for audio How have economic conditions impacted pension risk transfer pricing over the last year, and looking forward, does it still appear to be a favorable time for PRT? What does it take to prepare for a PRT transaction, and what can plan sponsors interested in PRT do to prepare their plans? What are the different forms of PRT, and have popular methods served plan sponsors well in recent years? Beyond the investment portfolio, what conditions should plan data and administration processes be in to bring PRT success? Moderator
John Manganaro, Associate Editor, PLANADVISER & PLANSPONSORPanelists
Marty Menin, Director – Retirement Solutions Division, Pacific Life
Geoffrey Dietrich, Vice President, Dietrich & Associates
Mike Devlin, Principal, BCG Terminal Funding Co. -
-Lunch – sponsored by Financial Engines – Imperial Ballroom (lower level B2)
OVERVIEW: A special hands-on session designed to “drill down” into a topic of strategic value to our plan sponsors and retirement plan adviser audience.
-Workshop: Sponsored by Custodia Financial (Crystal Room level 3)
The Growing Fiduciary Risk of Loans to Terminated Employees – and an Actionable Solution
Participant loans are under siege. Some want to eliminate them entirely, but they’re preferable to hardship withdrawals that permanently reduce account balances. While loans are an effective way for savers to access funds for emergency needs, they cause billions of dollars in preventable leakage every year when employees are terminated. For many, this diminishes the potential of achieving retirement readiness. This can also leave fiduciaries vulnerable to potential liability for approving plan loans. Learn how to better navigate this issue while helping participants avoid costly erosion of their retirement savings. We’ll discuss:
• The fiduciary function and risks of loan policy implementation and approvals …i.e., the duty to disclose
• Solutions for preventing leakage caused by loan defaults
• How Retirement Loan Eraser mitigates fiduciary risks and improves participant outcomes
Moderator: Tod Ruble, CEO, Custodia FinancialPanelists:
Bruce L. Ashton, Partner, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Dave Liebrock, Retirement Industry Consultant and former executive at Fidelity Investments and CapTrust Advisors-Workshop: Sponsored by MetLife (Gold Room level 2)
Qualifying Longevity Annuity Contracts: A Primer
As defined contribution (DC) plans have evolved, so too have the ways in which to distribute assets from the plan upon transition into retirement. This workshop will review the options available to plan participants to ensure better retirement outcomes, including guaranteed lifetime income solutions such as immediate income annuities and longevity insurance. A key component of the workshop will be a discussion about qualifying longevity annuity contracts (QLACs), which allow individuals to create a guaranteed income stream through an annuity that is payable later in life (at or before age 85). The presenter will review the benefits of QLACs for plan sponsors and participants, and provide a how-to for incorporating a QLAC as part of the plan.
Presenter: Roberta Rafaloff, Vice President, Institutional Income Annuities, MetLifeCASE STUDY
Hosted by Milliman (International Ballroom level 2)Retirement Plan Attributes of Best in Class 401(k) Winner CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Join Best in Class 401(k) winner CliftonLarsonAllen LLP and their partner Milliman as they discuss the hurdles they faced and overcame on their way to developing and delivering a Best in Class 401(k) plan to the employees of the firm.Presenters:
John C. Stiglich, CPA, CFP®, PFS, AIF®, Principal, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Gerald Erickson, CPC, QPA, QKA, AIF®, Principal, Milliman, Inc. -
Session 1
Avoiding Lawsuits: Click here for audio What liabilities have recent lawsuits and settlements highlighted for retirement plan fiduciaries? Are the DC and DB sides of the industry both facing scrutiny? In what ways are the legal challenges of running a DC and DB plan the same? Different? DC investment menu share class and fee litigation tends to dominate headlines, but are those the most common or costly challenge? What changes or extra protection should plan fiduciaries consider to avoid litigation and ensure a compliant plan? Moderator
John Manganaro, Associate Editor, PLANADVISER & PLANSPONSORPanelists
Jamie Fleckner, Partner, Goodwin Procter LLP
Scott Liggett JD, Director, ERISA Oversight, Lawing Financial Inc. Qualified Plan AdvisorsSession 2
Set it and Forget It Investments: Click here for audio Not all target-date funds are the same. How do they differ? What kind of due diligence can be done to select the right one for your plan? How to move your participants into the default? When might TDFs not be the right choice as your QDIA? Which solution is right for your plan participant demographics? Moderator
Alison Cooke Mintzer, Editor-in-Chief, PLANSPONSORPanelists
Jeffrey L Hemker, National Sales Manager – Retirement Division, Invesco
Nathan Voris, Large Market Practice Leader, Morningstar
Gene Huxhold, Senior Managing Director, Investment Only Retirement Plans, Institutional Sales Group , John Hancock InvestmentsSession 3
The Intersection of Health Care and Retirement: Click here for audio Is it feasible for plan sponsors to offer additional options to help participants save for health care in retirement (i.e. HSAs or post-retirement health care benefits?) Should plan sponsors include a health care component in retirement education for employees, and how can they do this? What are some strategies to keep health care benefit costs down to keep the total benefit budget manageable? Moderator
Rebecca Moore, Managing Editor, PLANSPONSOR.comPanelists
Brian Coleman, Director of Benefits, Compensation, Payroll and HRIS, Dawn Foods
Robert A. Massa, Director, Retirement, Ascende
John Carnevale , President and CEO, Sentinel Benefits -
-Coffee BreakSponsored by Transamerica Retirement Solutions
Imperial Ballroom (lower level B2) -
Session 1
Managing Administrative and Investment Fees: Click here for audio What are the best ways to benchmark plan fees? What types of fees should plan sponsors look out for? How can plan sponsors renegotiate fees? Moderator
Attila T. Toth, Partner, Co-Founder, Portfolio Evaluations Inc.Panelists
Dan Peluse, Director Corporate Plan Services, Wintrust Wealth Management
Barbara Best, Principal, Capital Strategies Investment Group LLCSession 2
Participant Advice: Click here for audio What are various methods for offering participant advice (managed accounts, one-on-one sessions with advisers, etc.) Who retains fiduciary responsibility for advice offerings? What can you do when you can’t afford or don’t want to offer a traditional method of advice, but you want to help educate participants? Moderator
Judy Faust Hartnett, Managing Editor, PLANSPONSORPanelists
David Gray, Vice President, Client Experience, Charles Schwab
Jeremy Hersch, Vice President, Investment Solutions, TransamericaSession 3
Plan Transitions: Click here for audio Best practices in preparing, and undergoing transitions from one recordkeeper to another. Moderator
Rebecca Moore, Managing Editor, PLANSPONSOR.comPanelists
Michael Sanders, Principal, Cammack Retirement Group
Jason Chepenik, Managing Partner, Chepenik Financial -
Session 1
Using an Adviser or Consultant For Your Plan: Click here for audio What value can a specialist adviser or consultant bring to a plan sponsor and committee? How can a plan sponsor find, select and benchmark one? What responsibilities can an adviser take on? What services should sponsors expect and what fees should they pay? Moderator
Alison Cooke Mintzer, Editor-in-Chief, PLANSPONSORPanelists
Judi Leccese, Retirement Plans Manager, Cabot Corporation
Stephen Popper, Managing Director, SageView Advisory Group
L. Rita Fiumara, First-Vice President, Investments, UBS Financial Services, Inc.Session 2
Optimizing the Investment Menu: Click here for audio Are investment menu consolidation and simplification in the best interest of plan participants? What should sponsors understand about the active vs. passive debate? What role does pricing play in building an investment menu? What other factors should be considered? What is the current best-practice thinking on designating a QDIA? Are TDFs going to continue rapid asset growth? Should plan sponsor use of custom funds or white-labeled funds increase? Moderator
John Manganaro, Associate Editor, PLANADVISER & PLANSPONSORPanelists
Michael Riak, Principal, Head of US Defined Contribution, Pantheon Ventures
Toni Brown, Senior DC Specialist, American Funds
Richard A. Davies, Senior Managing Director—Defined Contribution and Co-Head of Institutions North American Client Group, AllianceBernsteinSession 3
DB Plan Investing: Click here for audio Will the focus on implementing liability-driven investing principals continue in the DB space? What new thinking has emerged in recent years around LDI? Do trends such as “smart beta” and the increased use of alternative investments represent a shift for DB plans? How can plan sponsors address interest rate uncertainty and the prospect of lasting diminished returns? In an environment dominated by talk of freezing and terminating pensions, how should employers with no plans to terminate position the pension portfolios? Moderator
Joseph Topp, Vice President, Investment Consulting Services, Francis Investment Counsel LLCPanelists
Phyllis E. Klein, Senior Director Consulting Research Group, CAPTRUST Financial Advisors
Rocke D. Blair, Practice Leader–Cincinnati Market, White Oak Advisors
Phil Kivarkis, US Director of Investment Policy Services, Aon Hewitt -
Session 1
Plan Sponsor Confidential Peer discussion forums moderated by PLANSPONSOR editors-plan sponsors ONLY. Session 2
Plan Sponsor Confidential Peer discussion forums moderated by PLANSPONSOR editors-plan sponsors ONLY. Session 3
Adviser Confidential Peer discussion forums moderated by PLANSPONSOR editors-advisers ONLY. -
Cocktail Reception
Thursday, June 4, 2015
-Breakfast – sponsored by SEI – Imperial Ballroom (lower level B2)
-Opening Remarks: Alison Cooke Mintzer, Editor-in-Chief, PLANSPONSOR
Solving the Retirement Crisis
By most accounts, the U.S. faces a looming retirement crisis. As a plan sponsor or advisor, you are in the best position to change the direction the country is headed and improve the lives of your employees. But it requires some creative thinking, a little bit of innovation, and a re-thinking of how we position the value of retirement to plan participants. Join Brock Johnson, head of retirement solutions at Morningstar, to explore the steps you can take to change the course of the retirement crisis.
Brock Johnson, President, Retirement Solutions, Morningstar, Inc.
Click here for audio -
Best in Class Plan Design Plan sponsors speak about how they have made their plans best in class, the challenges they have faced, and what plan design elements have had the most influence on overall plan success. Moderator
Alison Cooke Mintzer, Editor-in-Chief, PLANSPONSORPanelists
Jeanette Wickoren, Senior Retirement Analyst, Land O’Lakes, Inc.
Matthew R. Adamson, Senior Business Leader, MasterCard -
-Coffee Break sponsored by Transamerica Retirement Solutions
The Evolution of Education Education is moving from away from discussing investment classes to the value of saving, the importance of starting early and financial wellness–including financial issues not directly related to retirement plans. Plan sponsors have many options as they consider how to develop their education programs, whether using resources available through their adviser and/or recordkeeper, or in retaining other outside resources. Moderator
Judy Faust Hartnett, Managing Editor, PLANSPONSORPanelists
Michelle Barrett, Manager, University Retirement Programs, University of Rochester
Richard Hartman, Corporate Benefits Manager – Retirement Plans, American Woodmark Corporation
Sean M. Ciemiewicz, Principal, Retirement Benefits Group
Joe Connell, Director of Retirement Plan Services, Sikich Retirement Plan Services (Formerly Retirement Plan Partners) -
What Participants Really Want
The truth behind participant retirement-plan decision making.
Click here for audio
Presenter: Alison Cooke Mintzer, Editor-in-Chief, PLANSPONSOR -
Closing Buffet Lunch Sponsored by Millennium Trust Company