Moving Target

Does the basic concept of the glide path—the bedrock
of the target-date funds currently enjoying a big surge in
popularity—need rethinking?

War Stories |October 2007

October 2007

We all have them: those front-line experiences that are ­inevitable when one deals with the variety—and sensitivity—of issues associated with human beings and critical life events.
Survey Says |October 2007

How Many Times Do You Hit the Snooze Button?

With the changing of the seasons, and ending of Daylight Savings Time, it seems much easier these days to hit the snooze and try for a few extra...
Bells & Whistles |October 2007

October 2007

Each month, Bells & Whistles highlights recent product introductions that plan sponsors may find of interest.
Feature |October 2007

Public Problems?

Amid disagreement over the depth of public pension underfunding, DC plans represent the camel's nose under the seat of government.
Head of the Class |October 2007

Tight Quarters

Private equity deals have performed well, but are just now starting to face rough conditions.
Asset Mix |October 2007

Picking Up the Pace

In tumultuous times, transition management matters even more.
The Bottom Line |October 2007

Ready or Not, Here It Comes

Many governments have figured out their OPEB (other post-employment benefit) liability under the new accounting standards that require them to disclose that number.
Total Benefits |October 2007

Spend Thrift?

When Pitney Bowes Inc. started making plans to dramatically lower participant co-pays for medications to treat several chronic illnesses, "People thought we were crazy," says Dr. Jack Mahoney,...
Case Sensitive |October 2007

Missed Communications?

Linda C. Saylor v. Retirement Committee, as Plan Administrator for Universal Health Services, Inc.; and Universal Health Services, Inc.
Rules/Regs |October 2007

Dating Gains

On September 10, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2007-78 giving plan sponsors until December 31, 2008, to bring documents into compliance with...
Barry's Pickings |October 2007

Legislate in Haste, Repent at Leisure

By the time you read this, it will be October. As I write, we have just received (at the end of August) from the IRS the first really...
Saxon Angle |October 2007

Keep Your Eye on the Bouncing Ball

While it is not unusual for the courts, the Labor Department, or even Congress to focus attention on 401(k) fee issues, we are currently faced with the unique...
Just out of Reish |October 2007

Meeting Expectations

I recently met with several plan committees to educate the members on their responsibilities as fiduciaries. I thought you might like to know some of the most commonly...