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2020 PLANSPONSOR Defined Contribution Survey Open
Sponsors of defined contribution (DC) plans are invited to respond to our annual DC Survey. The survey is our largest and most important research project of the year, but we need your help for it to be a success. Please consider responding by the September 18 deadline.
PLANSPONSOR magazine is conducting its annual Defined Contribution (DC) Survey of plan sponsors. The comprehensive survey explores plan design trends and recordkeeper satisfaction and helps inform many of our stories, but we need your help for it to be a success.
DC plan sponsors of all types and sizes are encouraged to complete the survey before the deadline, September 18, 2020. There is no cost to respond. Responses are confidential and findings will only be reported in the aggregate.
All respondents will be sent a complimentary copy of our 2020 Plan Benchmarking Summary Report shortly after submitting the survey and a 2021 Industry Report (based on survey results) later this year. Sponsors will also have the option of nominating members of their account/service team for our annual Service Star Awards and may qualify for our (optional) Best in Class 401(k) Plan Awards.
Please contact Brian O’Keefe at for additional information on the DC Survey or the Service Star and Best in Class 401(k) Plan programs.