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Investing July 18, 2001
401(k) Viewed as Best Long-Term Savings Option: Survey
July 18, 2001 ( - Despite recent bad
press on shrinking 401(k) balances brought on by a volatile
market, most people still find them to be the best way to
manage and grow retirement savings.
Reported by Camilla Klein
A recent Maritz Poll, a national telephone survey of 1,005 adults, asked respondents to name the best vehicle for long-term savings:
- more than a quarter (27%) said 401(k) plans
- mutual funds were listed by 15%
- 13% said IRAs were
- 9% said CDs
- almost 15% listed either savings accounts, annuities, real estate or treasury bonds.
Whether the fact that 2% thought checking accounts were a good long-term savings vehicle is more troubling than the 7% who said they didn’t know, is a toss up.