Survey Finds Growing Retirement Confidence

July 17, 2001 ( - Amid a shaky market and economic slowdown, Americans have more faith in their retirement planning than they did during the highs of 1999, a recent survey finds.

Up from 54% in 1999, and 45% in 1996, some 68% of respondents in this year’s poll on retirement, are confident that they won’t be short of income in their golden years.

The bulk of the increase can be attributed to the 30% of respondents who checked the “very confident” box in this year’s survey, up from 20% in 1999 and 16% five years ago.

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In addition, the survey found that confidence levels move in line with household income, specifically,

  • of those with household incomes of over $50,000 per annum, 80% are confident that they’ll have enough money when they retire,
  • of those with income levels between $25,000 and $50,000, 65% expressed confidence, and
  • the percentage fell to 45% among those earning less than $25,000 per year.

The results of the survey of 1,022 adults contrast with recent reports that 401(k) funds lost ground for the first time in history.
