Investor Education Program Increased Workplace Plan Participation

May 11, 2012 ( - A workplace investor education program field tested in three states increased employee participation in workplace savings and investing programs, its creators claim.

“Investor Education in Your Workplace” (IEiYW), a project of the non-profit Investor Protection Institute (IPI) with support provided through the Investor Protection Trust (IPT), and carried out jointly with state securities agencies and the National Credit Union Foundation (NCUF), is a 10-week online training program. 

Results among nearly 8,500 employees in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Wisconsin included: 

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  • Up to 50% increases in short- and long-term saving and investing activities;  
  • Up to 40% improvement in investment knowledge measured through pre- and post-testing;  
  • Up to 50% improvement in participant attitudes and behaviors including increased financial well-being, setting investment goals, implementing a budget, and starting/increasing contributions to 401(k), IRA or equivalent plans;  
  • Over 80% of participants completed the entire 10-week program; and  
  • 96% said they would like to participate in additional programs. 

IEiYW is now expanding to the District of Columbia and seven states:  Alaska, Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Oklahoma, Vermont and Washington. Additional state securities agencies are being encouraged to participate in the Fall 2012 Investor Education in Your Workplace program. Informational webinars about the fall program, including detailed program results will take place in May. Webinar information is available at   

IPI President and CEO Don Blandin said, “The answer to the question of how to get more employees to participate in workplace saving and investing programs is much sought after in the world of investor education.  The good news here is that we now have a much better handle on what works.”
