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In Detroit, Michigan, a woman went to the 52-1 District Court December 22 to pay court fines. Court administrators said they could smell alc.ohol on the woman and contacted police. A preliminary breathalyzer test showed the woman had a blood alc.ohol content of .131%. According to the Detroit Free Press, the woman said she had been drinking vodka the night before at a holiday party and had stopped drinking about 10 p.m. She said she felt hungover, but not like she was dru.nk. She was arrested for operating a vehicle while into.xicated.
In San Pedro, California, a woman walked into a Bank of America branch with a stick in her hand and handed a note demanding cash to a teller. She also claimed to have a gun. The teller did not give her anything, so she walked away. A security guard followed her, giving police her location. Officers arrived and took her into custody, the Daily Breeze reports.
Worldwide, apparently, “No Pants Subway Ride” is a real event. Washington, D.C.’s WTOP posted pics on its website of Metro riders with no pants. But, only more than one dozen riders in their undies rode the Metro. The January 10th event is worldwide. The Associated Press also posted pictures of New York City subway riders in their undies, and reported that riders in Boston, London and Berlin also shed their pants.
In Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, workers at a restaurant jumped for joy when they realized they had won the Powerball jackpot on Saturday of $949 million. One of the worker’s friends texted him the latest Powerball numbers—but failed to realize the website hadn’t been updated yet, and it was still showing Wednesday’s winning combination. A dishwasher even took his apron off, yelling out, “I’m outta here! I quit!” according to the New York Post. But, the worker whose friend texted him the numbers called his wife, who said they should double-check the numbers. That’s when they realized the numbers were from the wrong day. The dishwasher who threatened to quit laughed and put his apron back on, saying, “Back to work.”
In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a driver was sitting at a stoplight when two men approached his car and tapped the window with a gun. The driver got out and the men demanded money. When the driver said he had none, they asked for his cell phone and car keys. However, according to the Tribune-Review, when the driver mentioned the car was a stick-shift, the would-be carj.ackers lost interest and left. My next car purchase may be a manual.
In the UK, a movie-goer has started a petition to have cinema chains and the government ban popcorn at movie theaters. The man, who also opposes the smell of popcorn, said he first noticed how noisy popcorn eaters were in the 1990s when he saw “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves,” according to the UK’s Express. However, his experience in viewing “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” was the last straw. So far the man has gotten 106 signatures on his petition.
In North Plainfield, New Jersey, at 102 years old, Agnes Zhelesnik, is America’s oldest teacher. The woman, affectionately referred to by her preschool and elementary-aged pupils as “Granny,” has been teaching sewing and cooking classes at The Sundance School since she was 80. Zhelesnik, who hand-sews aprons for all of her students, guarantees that some of her basic cooking and sewing tips will stay with her kids as they get older. She doesn’t plan to retire anytime soon, and says the secret to living a long, fulfilled life is very easy: “Just be happy with what you’re doing!”
An argument for keeping food past the expiration date.
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A treadmill that lets you walk in any direction. I hope the harness comes with it.
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