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Fidelity Updates Online RMD Info
The Web site enhancements include education materials,
calculators and other resources about the new regulations
on required minimum distributions from Individual
Retirement Accounts (IRA)s and qualified plans.
For example, educational materials have also been added to
Fidelity NetBenefits Fidelity’s Web site for its workplace
retirement plan participants.
The resources being provided include:
- webcast presentations
- informational newsletter articles
- ongoing updates through Fidelity Plan Sponsor Webstation.
For investment professionals served by Fidelity Investments Institutional Brokerage Group and Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Company, materials are available to brokers and advisers to help them explain the new distribution regulations to their clients.
These include frequently asked questions and answers, sales strategies, and other general educational materials. An updated distribution calculator will be available this month on AdvisorXpress, Fidelity’s web site for financial advisors.
Also in the news recently about the required distributions was word that a New Jersey Congressman wanted to strike the law requiring the distributions for IRAs. Distributions to qualified plan participants were not included because it would have made the bill too expensive, according to the Congressman’s staff.