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Public Worker Boomer Retirement Wave Stalled

May 13, 2009 ( - The slumping economy is holding back retirements among state and local government employees, according to a new survey of government managers, sponsored by...
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New Survey Finds Darker Plan Sponsor Mood

May 13, 2009 ( - A May 2009 survey by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP) found more of both defined benefit and defined contribution sponsors...
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Worker Drug Use Continues to Decrease

May 12, 2009 ( - Overall recent drug use in the combined U.S. workforce has sustained a 19-year decline since Quest Diagnostics first published its Drug Testing Index...
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Social Security System's Future More Dire

May 12, 2009 ( - An annual report by the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees indicates the financial downturn has worsened the long-range financial outlook of...
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Economy Taking a Toll on Vacations

May 12, 2009 ( - The latest poll from AP-Gfk finds that 56% of individuals surveyed are not planning to take a vacation trip this summer.