SURVEY SAYS: Super Pools for the Super Bowl?

January 31, 2002 ( - This week we asked readers if there were any pool sheets making the rounds at your place of work…not that YOU would do anything illegal, of course.

There was a nearly even split on that issue – nearly 54% had seen and/or were participating in a pool of one kind or another (which, of course, means 46% were NOT). 

The comments on this front were quite varied. One casually noted, ‘Are pool sheets making the rounds? Does a bear do his business in the woods?’ But there does seem to be a shift in the trend, as another noted, ‘I have seen more than one person escorted out of the building for participating in pools. It is very against company policy.’ But company policy took on a whole other perspective for the reader who noted, ‘Football pools — yes! Headed by — Director of Internal Audit. Member of — Corporate Compliance Committee.’

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‘There are so many
pools around here
we have to chlorinate
the air!’

Others weren’t as ‘fortunate,’ including one that said, ‘I’m sure they are, but they just aren’t making it to the HR office.’ Which didn’t happen to come from the firm where a pooling reader said, ‘But please don’t tell our HR department, we got in trouble last week for going in together on the Florida lotto!’

Layoffs have apparently also had an impact on these activities – witness the reader who observed, ‘All the people that used to run the pools have left.’

And – the one you’ve all been waiting for – this week’s Editor’s Choice: ‘There are so many pools around here we have to chlorinate the air!’

Oh – as for who is rooting for whom, the Patriots managed to edge out the Rams by a 33% to 30.4% margin – with luck, the game will be that close. Still, nearly 19% were pulling for ‘neither’ (which, of course, wasn’t technically a choice, but we wouldn’t want to deprive our readers of a chance at full expression). More than 17% were pulling for the end of the season – either to get on to next year (Jets and Steelers fans, notably), to get on to another sport (Olympics and baseball most commonly) – or to get back their spouse.

The question was: Are there any pool sheets making the rounds at your place of work?


Football season was over last Sunday when the Steelers lost.

I've worked here for nine years and have never seen any pool. I have never heard about any official prohibition, but one employee said that pools caused "problems" in the past.

All the people that used to run the pools have left.

Being a long suffering die hard Patriots fan from New England I am naturally rooting for the underdog Patriots.
No pools, but I wouldn't see them anyway since I only gamble on Wall Street and that's enough of a loss over the last year.

Not really rooting for either team. I'm a little tired of a Super Bowl having a double-digit point spread! I'll root for the best commercials this year, and wait for the Browns next year.

This year the pool sheets are appealing to all levels: I've been approached to participate in sheets at the $1.00, $10.00, $25.00, and $100.00 levels. I can hardly wait to get my winnings so that I can help stimulate the economy.

C) The end of the football season. I get my spouse back.

our staff will bet on anything (including who will win the annual Christmas Cookie Bake-off), the pools are flying fast and furious. My favorite is a "Prop Pool" that allows you to bet on such vital stats as: Who will win the coin toss, Will the toss be heads or tails, Which company will air the first commercial after the kick off, and How many times will John Madden say the word "cankle"?

I just hope it's not a blow out. It would make Monday morning pretty dismal.

There are so many pools around here we have to chlorinate the air!

I have seen more that one person escorted out of the building for participating in pools. It is very against company policy.

Being in St. Louis I suppose there wouldn't be enough Patriot takers to make it interesting. Our office is even having a tail gate party for Friday's lunch. We're expecting snow & a full turnout. Bad buzz on the no beer rule.

My firm is based in St. Louis, which means that the entire office is pulling for the Rams on Sunday. This also means that no office pool sheets are floating around. Why you ask? Because who would throw their money away by betting on the Patriots!

I am rooting for the American and World economies to improve (and hopefully some good commercials to bring on some laughter!!)

Football pools -- yes! Headed by -- Director of Internal Audit. Member of - Corporate Compliance Committee. But this 0-for-2 Pennsylvania resident isn't betting, but will probably watch.

Are pool sheets making the rounds? Does a bear do his business in the woods?

As for HR participation, the employees know not to ask and generally do a good job of keeping it low key. Besides, Superbowl pools are so readily available, I usually can get into a few elsewhere. Oh, oops, what I meant was. . .The employees will get involved in them one way or another, so as long as participation doesn't impact work performance, this department doesn't give the speech about the policy on no illegal activities such as gambling in the workplace.

No pools circulating in my immediate area, though I would love to get in on one.
Unless one lives on the moon, the answer is - - of course!! Regarding the outcome, give the points, the Rams win big in a mismatch!!
No, my office is not having a pool this year or ever. In fact, I'm sure the response I would get to whether we should have a pool this year would be "Only if it is Olympic size and heated!"
Let's see, we are in St. Louis, who do I favor? Hmmm!
I am actively seeking a pool- just for fun of course...

The end of the football season will return to me my husband....who is really into the sport thanks to Fantasy Football! Now I get to look forward to regular viewing of the History & Discovery Channels!

I never could figure football out. Why can't they just give each team their own football so they don't have to fight over one?
Since I am from Pennsylvania, I would have to vote for: (c) the end of the football season? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So much for a PA Superbowl!

no pool yet, but I plan on changing that . . .my answer would have to be d) cheering for an overtime game (34-34 tie) that goes on for 3 quarters, ended by an interception and run back for a TD - don't care which team actually wins.

This is why I am conflicted: I like the AFC, but I live in KC (strandling the KS/MO border) so maybe I should cheer for the "home" team.

But please don't tell our HR department, we got in trouble last week for going in together on the Florida lotto!

P.S. The only reason that I'm going to actually watch the game is to find out if I win- I'm rooting for my numbers!

Being a diehard Steelers fan, it can't come quickly enough at this point. Go Rams! Kick some Patsie (*&^)(**&).
We have several pools going on here. I'm in three. Two at 25 "chips" and one at 50 "chips". The payout in one is based on the number of times the score changes, the other two are traditional. Originally from CA, the Niners (which dominate Super Bowls) left me hanging this year. However, since the Rams are originally from CA, I will cheer for them. My bonus answer is therefore B.
Are "pool sheets" really illegal??? You wouldn't think so with so many companies allowing it and no news of anyone ever being busted for doing it. Even company executives get into the pools. Those that don't, know about it and simply allow it. If I were to join in the pool fracas (which I'm not, it's an HR thing) I would be choosing the Patriots. I most always support the underdog.
I'm sure they are, but they just aren't making it to the HR office.
I haven't seen the pool yet, but I'm sure there will be one and I'm good for a few boxes. Why is it that women, and non-football fans to boot, usually win these things? (because they know which uniforms are prettier, no doubt)
At last count there are 22 going on including one pool that has a three year long waiting list to get into (That's how long I was on the list to get into it and there are 25 more names behind me.)
I am a bit surprised but no one has even mentioned a Super Bowl pool at work. In a spirit of full disclosure, however, I must confess that the only person outside of work who approached me about a Super Bowl pool was an 88 year old woman that goes to our church bingo ! !
I'm not rooting for either team. I'm a Lions fan and I predict that the Super Bowl trophy will come to Detroit sometime in the next 4 years.
