Compliance | January 17th, 2025 Vanguard Fined by SEC for Misleading Retail TDF Investors The regulator found that the firm did not provide accurate information about the capital gains and tax implications of a...
Compliance | January 14th, 2022 Milliman Accused of Failing to Prune Bad Investments From 401(k) A lawsuit alleges that the poor performance of a suite of target-risk funds resulted in a nearly $250 million loss...
Investing | March 4th, 2020 Serving Up Target-Risk Strategies for ‘Forgotten Participants’ The main reason target-risk gave way to target-date is not that target-risk strategies are inherently inferior; instead, target-date funds have...
Products | January 3rd, 2019 Investment Product and Service Launches American Beacon Advisors creates mutual fund with multi-asset program, and Vanguard closes million-dollar securities fund to new clients.