TRIVIAL PURSUITS: How Rare Are Three Presidents in One Year?

September 20, 2011 ( - On this day in 1881, Chester Arthur was inaugurated as President of the United States.

Arthur succeeded James A, Garfield after his death (months after an assassination attempt) just months after Garfield assumed the office from Rutherford B. Hayes earlier that year.  As a result, in the course of a single year there were three American presidents. 

Had this ever happened before?  Or since?

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Answer:  Yes

How many time(s) has it happened?



How many time(s) has it happened?

Answer:  Twice (including 1881).

When was the other time?



When was the other time?

Answer:  1841

Can you name the three presidents of 1841?



Can you name the three presidents of 1841?

Answer:  Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, and John Tyler

Martin Van Buren began the year as president, losing to William Henry Harrison in the 1840 election.  However, Harrison caught a cold only a few weeks into his presidency, which soon developed into pneumonia and later pleurisy. He died after only 30 days, 12 hours and 30 minutes in office, at which point Vice President John Tyler was inaugurated.

There was, however, a controversy involving the succession of John Tyler to the Presidency.  Do you know what that was?



There was, however, a controversy involving the succession of John Tyler to the Presidency.  Do you know what that was?

Answer:  At that time the US Constitution did not include the 25th Amendment, and was vague concerning what should happen in the case of the President’s death (the document merely stated that if the President were disabled, the Vice-President would assume his role until the disability was removed or a new President elected).


