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A Little Friday File Fun (02/15)
Well, here’s a couple of thousand more!
POWER SUIT. Scientists at Georgia Tech have developed a microfiber fabric that generates its own electricity – making enough current to recharge a cell phone or ensure that a small MP3 music player never runs out of power, according to Reuters. If made into a shirt, the fabric could harness power from its wearer simply from the movement of walking around or even from a slight breeze, according to a report in the journal Nature. MORE at
Craig O’Connor, a Bensalem, Pennsylvania, furniture maker, says he’s found a block of wood that he chopped from a pine tree – – – a block on which he “found” an image of a Jesus-like figure with its arms outstretched – – – and tree rings that form a kind of halo around the figure’s head. MORE at
– – – In Kentish Town, North-West London , the route 24 Pimlico to Hampstead Heath bus had been diverted due to road closures – – – to a route that took it under a bridge – – – that apparently wasn’t built to accommodate a bus of that size – – – as one 40-year-old female witness said, “The bus went under the bridge and we heard this terrible crunching sound” – – – you can see it at
What do you get when you cross a lion with a tiger? Apparently a very large cat – called a liger. You can see “Oden,” a
small version, online at
Reason #51 why one shouldn’t wear headphones while riding a bike:;_ylt=Ahjl6atVSVrqezXMP14oRbcuQE4F?ch=4226726&cl=6418457&lang=en
“I guess I should have realized my account was discretionary – now all I’ve got is these papers – what the heck is a fiduciary?” Got the pension tension blues? You can sing along at
– – – In Leeds, U.K. , Aaron Glossop, 13, an audience member at Leeds City Varieties theatre there, claims to have caught a top-hat-wearing phantom – – – on film – – –
Pension Tension Blues
Here's one more ...
- - - In Spokane, Washington , Lawanda Hopkins has been charged with stealing money - - - from a Conoco station - - - from a jar - - - that was being used by a Shaw Middle School student raising money for an 8 th grade class field trip to Washington, DC - - - unfortunately for Lawanda, who went to some pains to avoid being obvious - - - first walking around the store, and after the clerk walked away, she picked up the jar - - - placed it behind her purse - - - and then put it inside her purse -- all in plain view of the surveillance camera. MORE at