Editorial Comment: The Meaning of Downsizing
Every election year has to have a theme, and thanks to Pat Buchanan, 1996 has found one: corporate downsizing. Politicians have rushed to take their turn at finding a message in mass layoffs, plant shutdowns, and the wave of anxiety they produce in workaday voters.Pension sponsors, the beneficial owners of much of the large US…
Editorial Comment: The Meaning of Downsizing
Every election year has to have a theme, and thanks to Pat...
Custom Fit
One standardized educational approach does not entice all employees to participate in...
Measuring Mutual Fund Risk
Simple ways to teach a complex concept
Running the Fund |April 1996
Profile: John Gallahue, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
Profile: John Gallahue, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
Running the Fund |April 1996
Eating the Difference
New proposals attempt to create "investor-friendly" markets
Rules/Regs |April 1996
The budget-balancing debate hits the federal employees' retirement plans
Rules/Regs |April 1996
When Investment Education is not Investment Advice
A closer look at the Labor Department's interpretive bulletin
Rules/Regs |April 1996
Full Trust Protection for 457 Plans
Nancy Johnson wants to establish trust status for 457 plans. After a delay, the White House now agrees.
Rules/Regs |April 1996
New Rules on 401(k) Contribution& Employer Matches
IRS issues new rules on 401(k) make-good contributions and timing of employer matches
Table of Contents |April 1996
Lifting the Equity Bans
This year, three big state employee retirement plans hope to end century-old bans on equity investing. One has legislative approval, and two are pending.
Table of Contents |April 1996
Negative Trend
State governments are bringing health insurance costs down-but not for retirees and their spouses.
Table of Contents |April 1996
Moving Away From Company Stock
Three studies show participants increasingly put new assets into other equity options
Table of Contents |April 1996
Gender Gap
Women are still more likely than men to retire without an adequate benefits package. The culprits: Lower wages, shorter employment periods, and exclusion from many jobs covered by...
Table of Contents |April 1996
GICs’ Metamorphosis
Once-stodgy guaranteed investment contracts now come in new forms-and with more risk. But while they may be better investments for a retirement portfolio, they take a lot more...
Table of Contents |April 1996
Mismatched Pension Assets and Liabilities
Pension Liabilities Outstrip Assets
Table of Contents |April 1996
Breach of Duty
Unisys case raises questions about how much protection 404(c) really offers
Table of Contents |April 1996
Economies of Scale
Small companies join forces to buy better quality, lower price DC services
Table of Contents |April 1996
The “Goal-Oriented” Revolution in Recordkeeping
Why price is not everything